"So, in this sarcophagus, the ghost king was buried by you?"

"No, it's not me." The black-robed man said, "Not long after I escaped with the ghost king's remnant soul, the ghost king disappeared without a trace, and I have never understood the reason. Although the ghost ghost technique helped him escape. A catastrophe, but the sequelae are equally serious. Even if he recuperates well, it will take thousands of years to recover. Before that, he was no different from a cripple. So like you, I don't know who buried him in a sarcophagus. "

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan thought to himself, could it be that mysterious person who did it? But what was he doing this for?

   "You've been looking for the ghost king's whereabouts all these years?"

   "Why are you looking for him?" the black-robed man asked back, "I took the risk to rescue him. I have done my best, and there is no need to pay for him."

   "Then why are you here?"

"Because of the underworld weapon." The black-robed man said, "You guessed right, I was indeed invited by Feng Qingliu to worship. For thousands of years, I have lived in the mausoleum city. After Cao Zhi knew that there were underworld objects hidden here, he said: Because I was injured, I was worried that one person could not handle it, so I used a special method to contact Feng Qingliu and asked me to come out. It was not until I entered this place that I sensed the breath of the ghost king."

   "The entrance to the ghost cave is guarded by someone, how could you come in?" Zhang Yu was puzzled.

   "You mean those guards? Hmph, they're just a bunch of junk. As long as I think about it, there's nothing I can't do."

  Leng Xuan said: "Since you are Feng Qingliu, then why did you kill Cao Zhi, he is with you. If you kill him, how will you explain to Feng Qingliu?"

"Why do you want to explain?" The black-robed man sneered, "When Cao Zhi is dead, he will only fear me even more. Because he knows in his heart that without Cao Zhi, I am his only support." After a pause, he said again. : "Furthermore, I killed Cao Zhi, Feng Qingliu should be grateful to me, because I helped him remove a traitor."

   "Traitor?" Zhang Yu was surprised, "You mean..."

   "Cao Zhi belongs to the ghost king. Many years ago, he took refuge with the ghost king. The ghost king I am talking about is the ghost king who now leads half of Huangquan, not the ghost king in the sarcophagus."

   "So it is." Leng Xuan finally understood the reason.

   "Before we die, we should always know at whose hands we are dying."

   "Wu Tian." The black-robed man said coldly, "I know so much, now I can go on the road with peace of mind."

   "Sorry, I don't want to die so soon." Leng Xuan said. Hearing this, Wu Tian sneered: "Do you think you still have a chance to resist?"

   "Didn't you just say that there is nothing impossible in this world." As Leng Xuan's voice fell, his aura began to skyrocket wildly. Feeling Leng Xuan's change, Wu Tian's complexion changed, he immediately moved his body, and grabbed him with a big hand. However, Leng Xuan took the lead and stood up, avoiding the opponent's attack.

   "How is that possible?" Wu Tian looked at him coldly, "You are obviously seriously injured."

  Leng Xuan did not make a sound, and stood quietly in the air. At this moment, his aura was still improving. Not only that, but a powerful violent aura slowly burst out from his body.

   Feeling the terrifying aura of violence, Wu Tian couldn't help but step back, with a trace of fear in his eyes, which had never appeared before.

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