Taking advantage of the gap between Zhang Yu sending Su Yurou away, Leng Xuan took the time to adjust his body, not to mention his peak state, at least restore 70% to 80% of his power. Otherwise, even if he joins forces with Zhang Yu, he may not be able to obtain benefits from the black-robed man.

   Not long after, Zhang Yu sent Su Yurou to Wang Axe safely, and then returned to Leng Xuan.

   "How about it, Brother Leng, can you do it?"

   "No problem." After speaking, Leng Xuan stood up, patted the dust on his clothes, and walked towards the huge mouth.

   After entering the dark passage, Leng Xuan immediately felt a strange force. That power is different from the power of the soul. If the power of the soul is a meek existence, then this peculiar power is the representative of rage.

   He could feel the power contained in that rage. This violent force was different from the violent energy he had encountered before. Violent Qi is a kind of Yin Sha Qi, which can erode people's consciousness and turn them into bloodthirsty monsters, but this violent power is pure power. For some reason, while feeling the violent power, a sense of intimacy emerged in Leng Xuan's heart inexplicably.

   Not far along the dark passage, the two came to a huge and quaint stone gate. On both sides of the stone gate, stood two stone statues, a kind of beast that Leng Xuan had never seen before, terrifying. Looking at the two stone statues, Leng Xuan seemed to be able to feel the approach of death. Not only Leng Xuan, but also Zhang Yu felt the same way.

  In addition to the two stone statues, there are many murals carved on the walls on both sides of the stone gate. Unfortunately, due to the age, the color of those murals has faded, and the content cannot be clearly seen.

   Zhang Yu walked straight to the stone door and said, "Brother Leng, this door doesn't seem to have been opened."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan stepped forward and took a long look. Indeed, this stone door is still sealed, and there is no trace of opening. "Strange." He muttered to himself. Since this stone gate has not been opened, why didn't you see the black-robed man? After thinking for a moment, he turned his attention to the stone gate. The surface of the stone gate is very flat, he tried to push the door, but the stone gate did not move. Judging from the texture in the hand, this stone gate should be very thick.

   "Brother Leng, get out of the way, let me try."

  Leng Xuan nodded, then stepped aside. "Bang! Bang!" With two loud noises, Zhang Yu slapped two palms in a row, and a powerful force bombarded the surface of Shimen. However, apart from the dust being shaken off, Shimen did not move at all.

   "No need to try." Seeing that Zhang Yu wanted to continue, Leng Xuan couldn't help but stop it. If this stone gate was so easy to open, the black-robed man would have already entered from here. With the powerful strength of the black-robed man, even he could not succeed, let alone the two of them. At the moment, he followed the edge of the stone door and looked around.

   After a while, he suddenly noticed that there was a thin trace under one of the walls. Since the ground is covered with dust, the trace is very conspicuous. From that trace, it appears that something has been dragged.

   After thinking about it, he looked at the wall and reached out and knocked on the wall. Immediately, only a 'dong dong' sound was heard inside. Judging by the sound, behind this wall, there should be a mezzanine.

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