So, he wasn't sure when that poison would erupt again.

After resting for about a quarter of an hour, Leng Xuan stood up, looked at Wu Ming who had drifted into the distance with the current, and said, "Yurou, wait here for a while, I'll be right back." After he finished speaking, he showed his body. Quickly head towards Wu Mingchi. When he came to Wu Ming, he checked and found that the other party was not dead, but was severely injured, so he passed out. At the moment, he managed to restrain Wu Ming, and then dragged him back to Su Yurou Leng Er's side.

   "Brother, thank you for your hard work." He patted Leng Er on the shoulder and immediately took him back. This place is very strange, and Leng Er's cultivation base is too low, and it will be greatly restricted here. "Yurou, how did you find me?" Leng Xuan was very strange, this is the Yellow Spring, not the fairyland. It is not an easy task to enter Huangquan from Immortal Realm. Moreover, according to his observation, he found that Su Yurou was not a pure soul, and entered Huangquan together with her physical body.

   In the fairyland, there are not a few people who enter Huangquan, but everyone who enters Huangquan must give up his own body, there are no exceptions. Therefore, he was very curious about how Su Yurou did this.

   "It's Zhu Yang..." Su Yurou briefly explained the reason why she appeared here. After listening to her story, Leng Xuan was suddenly stunned. After Su Yurou sensed that he was in danger through the special relationship between the two, she found Zhu Yang, who teleported her to her side through the unique ability of the Immortal Yin Body.

"sorry that I had you worried."

   "As long as you're fine. Brother Leng Xuan, where is this place?" Su Yurou asked.

   "Here..." Leng Xuan was about to reply when he saw Wu Ming move slightly in a coma, "Okay, stop pretending, I know you're awake."

   Hearing his words, Wu Ming opened his eyes, looked at him resentfully, and said viciously: "Leng Xuan, you are really lucky."

   "I've always had a big life." Leng Xuan said, "What the **** is this place?"

   Wu Ming snorted coldly and turned his head to the side, as if he hadn't heard of his question. "Don't tell me?" Leng Xuan nodded, "It doesn't matter, I have a way to get you to speak." He grabbed Wu Ming's collar and held it high in the air. "Explosive!" The word was uttered, and the mighty soul power instantly poured into Wu Ming's body. Immediately, only hearing a loud 'bang', Wu Ming's body suddenly burst open, turning into a mist of blood, floating in the air.

   But in the blink of an eye, Wu Ming's body was destroyed, leaving only the body of the soul.

   "You..." Wu Ming gritted his teeth, and Sen Leng's eyes could not wait to swallow Leng Xuan alive.

"I don't believe that there are no people in this world who are not afraid of death. How many years did it take you to achieve today's achievements, do you want to lose everything? Don't forget, you are only a worshiper of Leng Yuehan's men, why bother for him Lost his life."

  Wu Ming said coldly: "Even if I said it, it's not inevitable that I will die, will you let me go?"

   "It depends on your performance." Leng Xuan said, "If it were me, as long as there was a chance to survive, I would seize it."

Wu Ming hesitated for a moment and said, "I know what you want to ask, there is no ghost weapon here. The power of the soul here is very abundant, and it also contains a strange power. I mistakenly thought the ghost weapon was in it, but , After I was sucked in, I realized that there was no ghost weapon at all.

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