"Should we go in now, or wait until the spies come back to make a decision?" Wang Axe asked.

  Leng Xuan thought for a while and said, "Just go in, we don't have so much time to delay."

   After a while, everyone gathered together. Due to the previous loss of 40 people and the injured personnel, there are currently less than 50 members who can form a combat force. After consultations between Leng Xuan and Wang Axe, it was decided to keep all the injured personnel and let them recuperate at ease. Because they don't know what will happen next, but the only certainty is that there is absolutely no danger along the way. If the wounded followed them, instead of being ineffective, they would become a burden to them. For the sake of safety, Leng Xuan also deliberately left ten members to protect the safety of those injured.

  After everything was arranged, Leng Xuan led everyone into the light curtain. These light curtains increase layer by layer. After passing through two layers of light curtains, they will face the third layer of light curtains, then the fourth layer of light curtains, and so on. No one knows how many layers of light curtains there are. All they can do is look for them. way out.

  Because there are too many light curtains, each layer of light curtains is connected to a cave. In order to avoid repeating the road, every time Leng Xuan passes through a cave, he will leave a special mark in the cave. The first few layers of light curtains went very smoothly at the beginning, and luckily they didn't make the wrong choice. However, starting from the fifth layer of light curtains, they ran into trouble. Five layers of light curtains, only one of which is the correct route, and there are no prompts around, so luck is too much.

  Leng Xuan hesitated for a while and finally made a decision. However, when they entered the light curtain, they were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them.

   On the stone wall of the cave, there is a person hanging. To be precise, that person should have been nailed to the stone wall by an ice pick. There was an ice pick on each of his chest and shoulders, and blood was flowing. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that this person is actually Cao Zhi who injured Leng Xuan before.

   "This..." Wang Axe stuck the corpse in a daze, as if he couldn't believe it. Not only him, but also Leng Xuan. He couldn't figure out why Cao Zhi died here. You must know that the other party is a genuine supreme powerhouse. In the ghost cave, there are very few people who have the ability to kill him.

   "Brother Wang." Hearing his call, Wang Axe immediately understood and immediately ordered his subordinates to look around.

  The area of ​​the cave is not large, it can accommodate about 30 people at most. It is surrounded by bare stone walls, and there is nothing special about it.

  Lengxuan walked back and forth while investigating the ground and stone walls. Perhaps through some residual traces, he could know the cause of Cao Zhi's death.

   "Brother Leng." Wang Axe walked over quickly and said, "I checked everywhere and found no traces."

   "Strange." Leng Xuan frowned secretly. Through the cause of Cao Zhi's death, he can speculate that the person who did it is probably Shang Dong. Because Cao Zhi was pierced by an ice pick, and Shang Dong's exercises happened to be the same type. But the question is, if it is Shang Dongxia's killer, why there is no trace here.

   Two supreme powerhouses fight, it is impossible that there will be no trace of damage. Unless, when Cao Zhi was killed, he did not resist, but this is obviously impossible. Cao Zhi and Shang Dong are rivals. When the two meet, he will definitely be wary of each other.

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