"Follow behind." Leng Xuan dropped a sentence, turned around again and rushed towards the living dead.

   Strangely, in the face of his attack, the living dead seemed to give up their resistance, and no one shot him, allowing him to attack themselves.

   Soon, the originally congested passages were cleaned up. Under the leadership of Leng Xuan, it didn't take long for the group to finally reach the end of the passage and escape the danger.

  Confirmed that it was safe, Leng Xuan only felt that his eyes were dark and his body was slumped to one side. Seeing this, Wang Axe's expression changed suddenly, he quickly helped him up, and said with concern: "Brother Leng, are you alright?"

   "Fortunately, I won't die." Leng Xuan spat out a few words with difficulty, "Just let me rest for a while."

   Leaning against the stone wall, Leng Xuan took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and entered into the practice. The power of the soul in this place is very strong, and it has a good recovery effect on his injuries. It didn't take long for his breathing to gradually stabilize, but a faint cyan appeared on his face. Opening his eyes, he let out a heavy breath and rolled up his sleeves. On his arm, there were two bite marks.

When    was held down by those living dead people before, he was accidentally bitten twice by the other party. It is estimated that because the venom entered the body, the living dead mistakenly thought that he was of the same kind, so they did not stop him. Fortunately, this is also the case, otherwise, he is afraid that it will be difficult to escape.

   "Brother Leng, I... Hey, what's wrong with your eyes?"

   At this moment, Wang Axe came over and was startled when he saw Leng Xuan's reddish eyes.

   "It's fine, it'll be fine in a while." Leng Xuan put down his sleeves, covered the wound on his arm, and asked, "How is the situation?"

"I have counted and lost thirty-two people, plus the eight people lost before, a total of forty people lost their lives." After a pause, Wang Axe continued: "Shang Dong's men have suffered more serious losses than us, they Only forty people escaped alive."

   "By the way, Brother Leng, what about Shangdong people, why are you the only one who went back to save us?"

  Leng Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "He didn't think it was worth the risk for his subordinates, so he left first."

"That guy..." Wang Axe snorted coldly, "His subordinates are really blind, and they are following the wrong master." As he was talking, he saw Qi Ge walking over and asking, "Master Leng, I don't know where my lord Shang is?"


"Your lord left you and ran away." Before Leng Xuan's words were finished, Wang Axe spoke first, "If it wasn't for Brother Leng desperately trying to save you, you wouldn't even want to escape alive. The second strongest man in the mausoleum city. , to see death and not save him, why do you have to work for him again?"

   "Okay, Big Brother Wang, let's say less." Leng Xuan said.

"I have followed Master Shang for many years, and I know who he is." Qi Ge said, "Master Leng, you saved the lives of our brothers. You are not grateful for your great kindness, and he will surely repay him in the future." When the words fell, he turned around and backed away.

   "Brother Wang, did you meet Cao Zhi?" Leng Xuan asked after Qi Ge left.

"Not long after you left, Cao Zhi's guy appeared. He would kill anyone he saw. We were not opponents, so we had to enter the passage and want to meet with you." Wang Axe sighed, "I thought we had an advantage in numbers. Now it seems... sigh, this time the battle is probably a little overhang."

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