"Because he needs someone to help him find the fruit of life and death, he can't enter Huangquan himself, so he can only let someone else come in instead of him."

   "He is the ruler, dominates everything, the fairy world, the secular world, and the Xumi world are all under his control. Could it be that a mere yellow spring can stop him?"

"He is the ruler, and so am I. He rules the life, I rule the death. Above the fairyland, he is the ruler. Below the Huangquan, I am the ruler. The boundaries between us are clear, and no one can break the rules. He can't enter the Huangquan, I can't enter the fairyland either."

   "Rules?" Leng Xuan said, "Since you are both masters, do you still care about rules?"

   "What about the master, the law of heaven and earth, no one can defy it. This world is the real master. Delusions are above the heaven and earth, and they will only be destroyed."

   "You said my friend didn't die, so where is she?"

   "That's a matter between you and the master, not me. If you want to find her, it's up to you."

   "Tell me where she is and whatever you want me to do."

   Hearing this, the mysterious man in the golden light fell into a brief silence. After a while, he said slowly, "Are you sure?"


   "Okay, since that's the case, then I'll give you a chance. If you want to reach an agreement with me, it will prove your ability. I don't like to cooperate with the weak."

   "How to prove it?"

   "It's very simple, if you can win this battle, I will grant your request."

   "No problem." Leng Xuan replied. Even if the other party does not make this request, he will try his best to do it.

"Listen clearly to my request first. The original deadline for the competition is half a month, but I only give you five days. If you exceed this time limit, then you will leave Huangquan by yourself." After a pause, he again Then: "I will provide you with some convenience." After the words fell, the golden light dissipated, and the mysterious man disappeared instantly.

   At the same time, Leng Xuan only felt a shock all over his body, and his consciousness was in a trance. When he came to his senses again, he found himself still sitting there, motionless. Everything that happened just now was like a dream. However, the sweat remaining on his forehead and the pain in his body proved that it was not a dream.

   "Only five days?" Leng Xuan frowned secretly. According to the previous regulations, the winner will be decided within fifteen days. Although there is half a month, it is not easy to win. And now, that person has shortened the time limit to five days, and the difficulty has increased exponentially. In five days, not to mention whether it can beat others, I'm afraid it will be troublesome to even find them. He originally wanted to rest, but this sudden situation made him lose his mind.

   Time is limited, he must hurry up.

   He is more fortunate that the winning conditions for the ghost cave battle are relatively loose. As long as you keep the most of your team, you can win. Therefore, he does not need to target those supreme powerhouses. Even if he killed a supreme powerhouse, it would only make the opponent's camp one less person. Therefore, his plan is only for others other than the Supreme Power. Of course, it is not easy to do this. First, he had to figure out where the various forces were located.

  The next step is only possible if you find them first.

   At the moment, he found King Axe and asked him to send additional staff to inquire about the whereabouts of other forces. The most critical among them is Lin Hao's men.

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