Leng Xuan said: "But they never revealed any news about you, they just said that you went to the ghost cave to retreat and practice."

   "Really?" Hearing this, Tong Yan seemed quite surprised and asked, "Did the three of them leave the mausoleum city?"

   "No." Leng Xuan replied. Tong Yan has stayed in the ghost cave for thousands of years, and it is estimated that he is not aware of the changes in the mausoleum city. So, he briefly described the current situation in the mausoleum city. After listening to what he said, Tong Yan couldn't help but smile, but the smile was a bit bitter, "the three of them... are very good. When I was there, they were loyal to me. The situation in Lingcheng can be achieved today. Thanks to them for helping me back then. However, people have their own ambitions and desires, and it is not wrong for them to do so. After all, they have to continue to survive in the mausoleum city."

"They didn't tell others the truth of the matter, probably because they were afraid that after the matter was told, someone in the mausoleum city would have a different opinion. At that time, the three of them were all golden immortals, but there were one or two supreme powerhouses in the mausoleum city. People know that I am gone, and it is very likely that they will seize power. With the ability of the three of them at the time, they must be powerless to stop it. It is estimated that they want to borrow my prestige and act as their umbrella so that they can continue to develop. "

   "Senior, what do you mean by the 'truth' you keep saying?"

"Before I left, I made it clear to them that I would resign as the city lord and leave the mausoleum forever. But the fact is, I did not leave the mausoleum, but chose to live in seclusion in the ghost cave. They It's just a coincidence that I'm going to retreat and practice in the ghost cave."

   "Why?" Leng Xuan asked in confusion, "Aren't you the City Lord of Mausoleum City very well, why did you leave suddenly? Are you tired of this status?"

"It's not that I'm tired." Tong Yan said, "I built the mausoleum city with my own hands. I don't know how much effort I spent to build it. If I were tired, I wouldn't have put so much effort into building the mausoleum city. So I left because of compromise and helplessness. Before I built the mausoleum city, do you know what I did?" Hearing this, Leng Xuan said, "I heard from others that you once worked for the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts."

   "That's right." Tong Yan said with a smile, "Do you think it's strange that the two of them are mortal enemies, why can I play for them both at the same time."

  Leng Xuan nodded, he really couldn't understand this. With Yan Wang's character, he would never allow such a thing to happen.

"I work for both of them at the same time because there is a secret involved, a secret that only the three of us know. I am responsible for the secret, so if they want to find out the secret, they have to go through me." Tong Yan explained, "Because of the existence of that secret, the three of us have been living peacefully together, but then, that secret suddenly changed, forcing me to leave them. Before I left, I explained to the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts, and agreed I promise not to let this secret leak out. At the beginning, they all expressed their trust in me and did not embarrass me. But later, shortly after I established the mausoleum city, the two of them were probably afraid that I would not keep my word, so they sent People assassinated me. Unfortunately, the mausoleum city was built by me with countless efforts, how could it be so easy to break through?"

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