"This woman..." At this moment, there was no extra time for him to make other dodge moves. At the moment, he directly leaned over to meet Xiao Yan's body. "Bang!" But after hearing a loud bang, that powerful force bombarded the stone gate, instantly turning into countless rubble and blasting all around.

   Ignoring Xiao Yan behind him, Leng Xuan pointed his toes a little, and his body was like electricity, he quickly rushed out of the stone room and found the old man. In the narrow passage, the space is limited, and they can only fight close to each other. This is undoubtedly an advantage for Leng Xuan. Head-to-head has always been his favorite way to fight.

The    steel fist swung out, and the old man did not dodge or evade, and punched him towards him. "Bang!" The two fists met, Leng Xuan was as steady as a rock, standing still, but the old man took two steps back. With the same cultivation base, in terms of physical strength alone, I am afraid that few people can compare to Leng Xuan.

   "King Kong's body!" With a loud roar, golden dazzling rays of light burst out, filling the passage, "Come again!" Under the mighty power, Leng Xuan clenched his steel fist, flew forward, and approached the old man again. Three consecutive punches came out, and the strength was suppressed, directly forcing the opponent back five meters.

  The passive old man saw that the situation was not good, and immediately turned around and galloped away. "Where to go!" Leng Xuan's figure spread out, followed closely behind the opponent, and chased out all the way. Leaving the building hidden in the mountain, the old man immediately discovered that there were dozens of corpses lying outside the mountain, all of them his own.

   "Leng Xuan, wait and see, I, Tian Xi, won't let you go." Leaving a harsh sentence, the old man fled immediately without staying any longer.

   Seeing that the old man refused to take another shot, Leng Xuan stopped chasing and returned to the inside of the mountain. He originally wanted to find Xiao Yan, but he searched inside and out and found no trace of Xiao Yan. "Strange, why are people gone?" He wondered to himself, he was certain that Xiao Yan did not leave alone when he was chasing Tian Xi. So, it stands to reason that she should still be here. Not believing in evil, he searched again.

   This time, he found a stone tablet in a stone room built in the corner. The stone tablet stood against the wall, and the handwriting on it was blurred, but Leng Xuan noticed that there were two shallow traces on the ground on one side of the stone tablet. Apparently, the stele had been removed.

   At the moment, he pushed the stone tablet and moved carefully to the left. Sure enough, under his push, the stone tablet made a 'kaka' sound, revealing a hole just enough to accommodate one person. Along the stairs in the cave, Leng Xuan went straight down. After a while, he discovered that there was another cave in the interior of the mountain. Although there is a building above, the real building is hidden below. The belly of this mountain has been hollowed out, and several simple houses are built in it. Not only that, but green grass and trees are planted around the houses. Between the grass and trees, the streams are gurgling.

   "It's you again." Leng Xuan was about to look around when suddenly, a cold female voice came over.

  Leng Xuan turned his head to look, the person who spoke was Xiao Yan who had met before. After a little stunned, he pointed to a few houses not far away and asked, "You live here?"

   "It's none of your business." Xiao Yan said coldly, "Get out of here quickly."

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