Leng Xuan glanced at the two sides who were still at war, and said, "You stay here, let me know when that person comes out, and I will clean up those guys first." No matter what secrets the building hidden inside the mountain has , In contrast, the current battle is the most important. As long as the right to use the ghost cave is obtained, there will be time to study that mysterious building in the future. As for the old man, it's not too late to find him after dealing with the others first.

  With his addition, the originally stalemate situation immediately turned into a one-sided situation. In less than a moment, the opponent was defeated and they retreated.

   "Brother Wang, this person is handed over to you." Returning to Wang Axe, Leng Xuan threw Wan Lang in front of him with a flick of his hand. This guy originally wanted to escape, but, with his own shot, how could it be possible for him to escape.

   "Brother Leng, that person hasn't come out yet."

   "You take everyone to the south, find a safe place, and I'll find you later."

   "Okay, be careful yourself."

   After watching Wang Axe and the others leave, Leng Xuan came to the gate. Looking at the dark passage, he took a deep breath and walked in. Not long after walking along the passage, he saw two forks. Through the footprints left on the ground, he found that the old man chose the intersection on the right. Without thinking much, he walked straight to the left intersection.

   After walking about twenty meters, he saw a stone room. The door of the stone room was half closed, and there was a strong odor inside. He raised his vigilance and carefully pushed open the stone gate. Walking into the stone room, his eyes swept away, his complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly stepped back.

   An old man sat on a stone bed in the stone room. The old man sat cross-legged, his hands were flat on his knees, and his eyes were closed, as if he was cultivating. "Could he be the mysterious city lord of Mausoleum City?" he secretly guessed. Hidden in the mountains, this place is an excellent retreat and is hard to spot. If it wasn't for the accidental damage to the mountain just now, revealing a corner, they would not have found it at all.

   However, what puzzled him was why there was no response from the other party when there was so much movement outside. Moreover, he is standing in front of that person now, but the old man is still in meditation, and he has no intention of waking up.

   "Senior." He tried to call out, trying to get the other party's attention. However, the old man still did not respond to his cry as if he had not heard it.

   Upon seeing this, he carefully walked up to the old man, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him, trying to attract his attention, but the old man did not respond to his actions. "Huh?" At this moment, Leng Xuan suddenly discovered a problem, he could not feel any vitality from the old man.

   "Is he dead?" Thinking of this, he carefully observed the old man's body. Sure enough, the old man was dead. Since it is a dead person, there is nothing to be afraid of.

   After calming down his nervousness, he began to search the old man, looking for some information about the identity of the old man. However, just as his hand touched the old man's clothes, the old man's body and clothes immediately turned into a pile of dust and scattered on the stone bed.

   Looking at the pile of dust, Leng Xuan was stunned, and then he reacted, "This is... is this red clay?"

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