"Brother Leng, let's take a break first, investigate the situation, and then find an opportunity to take action." Wang Axe said, "Every time there is a battle for the ghost cave, the three forces of Lin Hao will take us and Luo Shuai's people first."

   "You have more experience than me in this regard, so you can make a decision." Leng Xuan said. Although his cultivation base is high and strong, after all, this is the first time he has participated in the battle for the ghost cave, and many situations are not very clear. Before he came in, Du Zhong had explained that this action was all under his orders, but he would never take the decision-making power on himself.

  The spies have been sent out, the next thing to do is to rest and wait. "Brother Wang." Leng Xuan asked, "The rule of the ghost cave battle is that after half a month, the side with the most survivors wins, and in this case, if we run away from the beginning and don't let others find it , wait until the time limit is approaching and then return, isn't it a great chance for us to win?"

"It's useless." Wang Axe said, "Someone has done this before, and when the half-month time limit expired, they didn't lose a single person. However, this achievement is not recognized by other forces, and I feel that this approach It is cheating. Therefore, every subsequent battle for the ghost cave emphasizes that if someone deliberately avoids fighting, even if the number of people they reserve is against, they will not recognize their victory. On the contrary, they will also be attacked by other forces. So, since then, no one has dared to do it again. Moreover, in the ghost cave, they have demarcated the boundary in advance, and they can only act within this boundary. Disqualified from the war."

   "I understand." Leng Xuan nodded.

   As he was talking, one of Wang Axe's subordinates rushed over and reported: "Sir, Luo Shuai's people are coming here."

   Wang Axe said solemnly: "What are they doing here? Notify others and provide vigilance. Brother Leng, do you want to go with me to meet Luo Shuai's men?"

   "Okay." With that said, Leng Xuan stretched out his hand, and with a faint blue light, his appearance immediately changed, from a young man to a middle-aged man. Luo Shuai's subordinates have seen him, in order to avoid being recognized by the other party, he must disguise himself.

   After waiting for less than a moment, Luo Shuai's men appeared in their sight. "It's Wanlang." Wang Axe was quite surprised to see the man in the lead.

"You know him?"

   "I know." Wang Axe nodded and said, "However, it's a little unusual that Luo Shuai would send him out." Leng Xuan asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Wan Lang is Luo Shuai's confidant and has a high status. Luo Shuai attaches great importance to him. In the past, every time they participated in the battle of the ghost cave, Luo Shuai and Mr. Du would send some irrelevant people. But this time is different, we have cold Brother you, that's why you sent so many elites. Luo Shuai and the others don't have the supreme powerhouse, but they sent Wan Lang out, this is not like Luo Shuai's style."

   "You can't say that." Leng Xuan said, "Since you can find a supreme powerhouse to cooperate, why can't they?"

"Brother Leng, the supreme powerhouse is not a cabbage, how can it be so easy to find. We are lucky to be able to cooperate with you this time." While speaking, Wan Lang, surrounded by several subordinates, came to the front. . "Wang Axe, did your Master Du take the wrong medicine and actually sent you here? Isn't he afraid that you will lose your life here?"

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