In terms of the number of Daluo Jinxian alone, even if the forces of the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts are combined, they are not comparable to a mausoleum city. The more foreigners there are, the more chaotic the situation in Lingcheng is destined to be. At that time, there were many gangs in Lingcheng, and people were fighting almost all the time, either for trivial matters or for the territory in Lingcheng. "

"At the beginning, the city lord of Mausoleum City could tolerate this, but later, the situation became worse and worse. Many people were out of control and acted recklessly in the city, and did not take the city lord seriously at all. At that time, the city lord was beside the city lord. There are three cronies, namely Lin Hao, Feng Qingliu, and Leng Yuehan. They are called the three heroes of Mausoleum City. They are not only powerful, but also resourceful. Under the order of the city owner of Mausoleum City, the three of them began to fight against the chaos in Mausoleum City. Remediation. However, at that time, the number of people in the mausoleum city had reached tens of thousands, and the cultivation base was generally not low. Among them, several forces had developed to a certain level. For the rectification of the three of them, very few people gave face, and they still went their own way. After listening to the persuasion, some people even thought about overthrowing the city owner of the mausoleum city and taking control of the mausoleum city."

"For this reason, the city lord of Lingcheng began to wake up. At this point, he had to take tough measures. So he sent Shenwei. Shenwei is a strange beast raised by the city owner of Lingcheng, and its cultivation base is very powerful. With the combined force of the two, they began to cleanse the mausoleum city. Overnight, blood flowed into rivers. That night, as many as 2,000 people died in the hands of the guards, and there were corpses all over the city. The powers of the tomb were all destroyed without exception. After that night, everyone in the mausoleum city understood the truth that only one voice was allowed in the mausoleum city, and that voice was the city lord. After that, the mausoleum city lord set many rules , has been used to this day, and not many people dare to offend it.”

"At that time, Mausoleum City had only been established for a thousand years, but it already had a prominent reputation in Huangquan. It was this resounding reputation that attracted the attention of the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts to the city of Mausoleum. The King of Hell, the King of Ghosts, and the City Lord of Lingcheng No one is clear about the specific relationship between them. All I know is that both the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts have sent messengers to the city. Guess, the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts must have made a request to the Lord of Lingcheng, but the latter refused, which is why this war started."

"However, the city lord of Mausoleum City seems to have expected this day to come. When the city was built, he made adequate preparations. In terms of terrain, Mausoleum City is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The city has become a city that is difficult to conquer. The King of Hell and the King of Ghosts have launched several attacks, but they all ended in failure. If the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts made their own shots, the Mausoleum City should not be difficult to break. However, they seem to have any scruples, He never came forward. After several consecutive failures, the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts chose to give up. Since then, there has been no trouble in Lingcheng."

   Having said this, Du Zhong paused for a while, and then continued: "Actually, in my opinion, it should not be that the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts chose to give up, but what agreement they reached with the City Lord of Mausoleum City."

   "Agreement?" Leng Xuan snorted in confusion.

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