"In Xiatonggang, this is my brother, Tong Jiang. Our brothers also passed the test of life and death in those days. It is your honor to die at the hands of our brothers."

   "Confidence is a good thing, arrogance, oh, but it's not a good thing." Leng Xuan carried his arms on his back, "You two, stop talking so much, let's do it."

   "Looking for death!" Tong Gang shouted loudly, and his steel fist burst out of the air, hitting Leng Xuan's face with a whirring sound. Facing his powerful blow, Leng Xuan stood quietly on the spot, motionless. When the opponent's fist was brought to the front, the surrounding air suddenly condensed, the fist that rushed forward suddenly became sluggish, and then stopped in front of Leng Xuan, less than ten inches away. Seeing this, Tong Gang's complexion couldn't help but change, and the power of the soul poured out wildly, urging his figure. However, no matter how he moved, the fist was always frozen in the air, unable to move half an inch.

   Seeing that Leng Xuan easily resisted his brother's attack, Tong Jiang, who was on the sidelines, was startled and rushed over, wanting to help.

   "Go back to me!" Leng Xuan's whole body exploded, and a powerful shock wave spread. Tong Jiang, who came to the rescue from behind, was immediately knocked out, and Tong Gang, who was closest to him, was hit the hardest. A mouthful of blood spit out, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

   "You..." Being forced back by a move, Tong Jiang's pupils shrank slightly, looking at Leng Xuan in horror, his voice was a little terrified, "You...you are..."

   "Yes, I am." Leng Xuan slowly walked towards the two with his hands on his back. Just based on the fight just now, if the other party can't see his details, then they have no IQ at all. Tong Gang clutched his injured chest, struggling to get up from the ground, looking at Leng Xuan with deep fear.

   "Senior...Senior, my two brothers have eyes and do not know Mount Tai. They offended the seniors, and I hope the seniors don't blame them. Let's go now."

"Let's go?" Leng Xuan snorted softly, "Do you think I'm a place where you can come and leave when you want? The few people who came today, you must already know their consequences. I don't want much. , as long as you each leave two hands, you can leave safely, otherwise..."

Hearing this, Brother Tong Gang's expression changed, and he said, "Senior, you have to forgive others and forgive others, it's not good for you to do this. I admit that you are very strong, but this is the mausoleum city, one's cultivation base is It doesn't mean anything. Lord Luo has been operating in Mausoleum City for hundreds of years. If you continue to fight, the one who will lose will definitely be you. In my opinion, everyone might as well shake hands and make peace. I believe that Lord Luo will not refuse the senior's participation. We cooperate, it won't be long before this mausoleum city will be our world. If the seniors have no opinion, I will go back and inform Lord Luo. "

"Although I am young, Leng Xuan, I have lived for so many years, and I have experienced many storms, big and small. You have to be clear, it was you who bullied me first, not me. I wanted to let you go. You? Okay, go and call Luo Shuai and respectfully kowtow to me and admit your mistake, maybe I'll think about it."

   If it was before, he might accept the other party's proposal and live in peace. But now it's different. This is Mausoleum City, a place of chaos, where the weak eat the strong. If you want to live a stable life, you must be a little more ruthless. Only the more ruthless, will others be afraid of you, fear you, and dare not provoke you again.

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