All in all, I have already brought it. At this time tomorrow, I will come to collect the offerings for Lord Luo this month. If you can’t see anything by then, then you can get out of the mausoleum. let's go! "

   "Stop!" Suddenly, a cold voice stopped them.

The    man turned his head, looked at Leng Xuan, raised his head and said, "Why, do you still have something to say?"

"This is our territory, not a place where you can come and leave if you want. Since you dare to come to us to do wild things, you should be mentally prepared. Our rule is that if anyone does not invite himself, he will be cut off. Both hands." Leng Xuan said coldly, "So, if you want to leave, leave your hands first."

"Bold." The man scolded, "Boy, don't think it's great to pass the threshold of life and death. People like you go to the mausoleum a lot. Let's go!" He waved his hand and took his few The men are leaving. "Want to go?" Yan Chengfeng snorted coldly, and with a movement, he instantly flew out of the seat and rushed towards the five. But after hearing a series of screams, there was a puddle of blood on the ground, plus a few broken hands.

   "Go back and tell Luo Shuai, if there is another time, kill!"

   " wait for me, dare to oppose Lord Luo, you don't want to leave Mausoleum City alive." Throwing down a harsh sentence, the men immediately fled in embarrassment.

"It seems that we have established a relationship with Luo Shuai." Leng Xuan said, "When Chang Yuan returns later, ask him to check that Luo Shuai and see what the other party is." Yan Chengfeng His anger did not disappear, and he said with a sleeve: "If they dare to come again, I will make them come and go."

   After a while, Chang Yuan finally returned to the mansion. "City Master Yan, Hall Master Leng, you... eh?" As soon as he entered the lobby, Chang Yuan was about to speak, but he saw blood on the ground and several severed hands, his expression changed, and he said in shock, "What's going on here? ?"

   "Luo Shuai's people just came to ask for trouble." Yan Chengfeng said, "What did you find?"

Chang Yuan hurriedly said: "I asked Mr. Liu, Luo Shuai came to Mausoleum three hundred years ago. At that time, he brought a few men to Mausoleum and went directly to a small force in Mausoleum. He wiped them all out, and then swallowed their territory and established himself as the master. This man is ruthless, as long as he is his enemy, no one will end well. Over the past few hundred years, his power has gradually developed, and he has a great say in the mausoleum city. , as long as they live in Dongcheng District, they would not dare to provoke him easily."

   "He fights and kills recklessly, doesn't he care about the rules of Mausoleum City?" Leng Xuan asked.

"I asked. In the past, Lingcheng was not allowed to engage in fire fighting at will, but this rule has been changed hundreds of years ago. As long as you give the guards of Lingcheng a little favor, they will not care too much, even the divine guards. They also open one eye and close the other, as long as there is not too much noise, they can do whatever they want."

   "Is there such a thing?" Leng Xuan was surprised. It seems that even Huang Quan can't get rid of the inferiority of the world.

   Yan Chengfeng asked, "How much does it cost to make a move?"

"One hundred soul lock bottles." Chang Yuan replied, "You can't have one less, this is what Liu Lao said. Paying one hundred soul lock bottles allows you to do things in the city, but you can't kill people. If you want to be unscrupulous , then you need to pay 300 soul lock bottles."

   "Why don't those **** grab it?" Yan Chengfeng said angrily.

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