At the same time, a mausoleum guard walked out of the crowd and appeared in front of Leng Xuan. After looking at him twice, the guard made a 'please' gesture and said, "Come with me." Seeing Leng Xuan following the guard away, Yan Chengfeng immediately led the crowd to chase after him.

   Not long after, they came to a tall building. The words 'life and death' are engraved on the left and right of the building. And under the word 'life and death', there is a door for each. "Life and death." The guard pointed to the two gates and said, "You can choose one of them to enter."

  Leng Xuan asked, "Is there any difference?"

   "Life meets life, and death meets death." The guard said, "You have a quarter of an hour to make a choice, otherwise it will be regarded as your abstention and expelled from Mausoleum City."

   "Why don't you let me go." Yan Chengfeng walked up to him and said. "My chances of success are higher." Leng Xuan said, "I'll do it." After he finished speaking, he walked straight to the dead end. With his cultivation base, it doesn't make much difference which one he chooses.

   "You have a day, if you can't get out of it within a day, it means you have failed." After saying the last rule, the guard stepped aside and invited Leng Xuan in. Standing in front of the door of death, Leng Xuan exhaled and walked towards the door.

   As soon as he entered the door of death, he immediately felt a cloudy wind blowing from all directions. Looking around, he found that he seemed to have entered a separate space, the surrounding environment was chaotic, and the light was very dark. In his ears, there was only the sound of the overcast wind blowing, and no other movement could be heard.

   "The gate of death meets death and lives." Thinking back to the guard's words, Leng Xuan thought to himself that the key to this sentence lies in the words 'death and life'.

  Time passed slowly, Leng Xuan had been standing in this dark space for more than half an hour, but the surroundings had not changed at all, with a strange silence. Suddenly, at this moment, a thin voice entered his ears. Glancing around, he soon saw that there was a small dirt pit on the ground not far away, and the dirt was gushing out from the pit. Immediately afterwards, a dry hand stretched out from the ground.

   The dry hand crawled vigorously, and soon, a mummified body appeared in his sight. Looking at the mummified corpse that was gradually approaching him, Leng Xuan did not take action immediately, but quietly observed. In his view, this so-called life-and-death relationship cannot be that simple.

   As expected, when the mummified corpse approached, it suddenly stopped moving forward and stood there quietly, motionless, like a stone statue.

   At the same time, in the body of the mummy, countless insects suddenly crawled out, densely packed, thousands of them. Those worms are very small, they look like maggots, their bodies are white, and they wriggle quickly on the ground, approaching Leng Xuan. In the blink of an eye, those white worms trapped Leng Xuan in the worm pile.

   When these white bugs trapped Leng Xuan in the center, they did not continue to approach, but slowly crawled around his body, forming a huge circle. From the mummified corpse to the appearance of those white bugs, Leng Xuan always stood in the same place and did not move. Seeing those white bugs surrounding him, he pointed his toes, trying to stay away from the pile of bugs.

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