"The amount he offered is too much. Although I can take it out, these are the stocks of all of us. Once they are handed over, we will have nothing after entering the city." Yan Chengfeng said, "The power of soul and Red clay is a common trade item in Mausoleum City, without this thing, we are afraid that we will not be able to do anything in Mausoleum City.”

   "No matter that much, let's go ahead and talk about it."

  Yan Chengfeng hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay." After he finished speaking, he walked up to the guard and handed over all the soul power and clay he had collected, just enough to make up for it. After counting the items and making sure there was nothing wrong, the guard moved away from Pang Shuo and gave way to the mausoleum city.

   Along the passage, Leng Xuan followed everyone to the gate of Mausoleum City. The gate of Mausoleum City is very strange. It is not the common square gate, but the **** mouth of a strange beast, which looks extremely eerie and terrifying. And the shape of this alien beast was exactly the canine alien beast they had just seen.

   "The mysterious city lord of Mausoleum City really loves that guard, and actually carved the city gate into its head." Leng Xuan said casually.

"Shenwei is the guardian of the mausoleum city. He has a high level of cultivation and has made a lot of credit for the mausoleum city. Since the mausoleum city was founded for thousands of years, it has been able to stand upright, and the divine defender has at least half of the credit. In the mausoleum city , the status of Shenwei is very high, second only to the city lord, and everyone respects it." Yan Chengfeng explained.

   "Have you been to Mausoleum City before?"

"No, this is my first time here." Saying that, Yan Chengfeng pointed to the former subordinate and said, "His name is Chang Yuan, he has stayed in Mausoleum City before, and among us, he is the only one here. After entering the city later, try to listen to his arrangements, so as not to violate the rules of the mausoleum city."

   Entering Mausoleum City, Leng Xuan looked around, sizing up this mysterious city. The flow of people in the mausoleum city is very large, the spacious streets are full of people coming and going, and there are towering buildings everywhere. There is a main street in the center of the mausoleum city, and there are three other horizontal streets. If you look down from the top, it looks like a word 'feng'.

   From the end of the main street to the end, it is several kilometers long. After Leng Xuan came to Huangquan, he has been to many cities, but no city is as large as Mausoleum City. At a glance, there are almost thousands of residents in this mausoleum city. Walking on the street with such a huge lineup, it is inevitable that they will attract the attention of others.

  Leng Xuan and Yan Chengfeng followed behind Chang Yuan, talking in a low voice as they walked. "Where is he taking us?"

   "Find a place to settle down first." Yan Chengfeng said, "Chang Yuan said he knew someone here."

   "City Lord, wait here for a while, I'll go in and find someone." After that, Chang Yuan walked into a mansion with a courtyard alone. About half an hour later, Chang Yuan, accompanied by an old man, appeared in front of Leng Xuan and Yan Chengfeng.

"City Lord, this is Senior Liu Yue. I used to thank him for taking care of me in Lingcheng." Chang Yuan said, "I asked him, because we have too many people and it is not easy to arrange. Although there is a place to live, there is a , but it's too expensive there, we're just afraid... we just don't have that much capital."

   Yan Chengfeng asked, "It's expensive?"

   "There are fifty soul-locking bottles over there, or a meal of red clay. This is still for Mr. Liu's face. Otherwise, the price will be higher."

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