"I will investigate this matter clearly. Before that, City Lord Qiao, I think our cooperation will end here. Let's go!"

"City Lord Qin." At this moment, Yan Chengfeng suddenly stopped Qin Fang and said, "I still have something here, which may prove my words." He shook his hand, and a beam of light flew towards him. Qin Fang. The opponent took it, looked at the jade piece in his hand, and asked, "What is this?"

"Before you attacked the city, Qiao Er's confidants secretly informed Luo Chang of Jiusui City, telling him to leave quickly. This jade piece has his message. In addition, Qin City Lord, please tell the ghost king for me, just Said that the two of us wanted to go to the dead city and hope he could meet us."

   Qin Fang nodded and said, "I will convey it." When he finished, he held the jade piece and led his men to leave Jiusui City.

   After Qin Fang and his party left, Qiao Yan stared at Yan Chengfeng and Leng Xuan with a pair of cold eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "How dare you frame me."

"Is it a false accusation or a fact, I think you know it clearly." Leng Xuan said, "The reason why I exposed you is nothing else, everyone is from the fairyland, and they should help each other in this yellow spring, but you are He is a person in the fairy world, but secretly assists the King of Hell and uses his companions. Everyone, think about it, over the years, Qiao Lu has led you to many victories. But don't you think those so-called victories are too easy? If there is no secret help from the King of Hell, do you think she would have such great ability and win repeatedly? You are all smart people, you should know who the King of Hell is. If he really wanted to deal with you, you would have been destroyed long ago. The reason Saying this, I just hope you can see the truth clearly and stop being used by others.”

   "You think they will believe your words?" Qiao Yan said coldly, "Everyone, don't listen to his nonsense and kill him together."

  However, the hundreds of people stood silently on the spot, and no one moved. Seeing this, Qiao Lu couldn't help but said angrily: "What are you doing? Don't you believe his nonsense? Don't forget, I gave you a place to live in Huangquan. If you didn't have me, you wouldn't have achieved today's achievements."

"Qiao Chengzhu is right." Long Chuan on the side continued, "Don't be fooled by that person, they are afraid of us, so they want to divide us and let us lose without a fight. Let's all fight together, kill them, Capture Jiusui City."

   "That's right, don't listen to that man's nonsense. We are today thanks to City Lord Qiao. He said that City Lord Qiao colluded with the King of Hell. I was the first to not believe it."

   For a while, there was a lot of discussion in the crowd again, but few really took action. Once suspicion takes root, it is difficult to eliminate. What's more, what Leng Xuan said was not false.

   "Let them make trouble on their own, we should go." Leng Xuan said.

   "Go." At this moment, the group of people, led by Yan Chengfeng, quickly rushed out of the city. Qiao Er watched Leng Xuan leave, but there was nothing he could do.

   Leaving Jiusui City, Yan Chengfeng asked, "Why not just kill her?"

   "Why kill her? Killing her is not good for us." Leng Xuan replied. He has already picked out the truth, and as for whether those people believe it, they can only verify it by themselves. If he killed Qiao Lei, others would think that what he said was a lie, causing mass indignation. Besides, his main purpose was to destroy the cooperation between Qiao Lu and the ghost king. As a result, Yama's plan will be difficult to achieve.

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