Leng Xuan said: "But there is no one outside the city."

   "They sent messengers to deliver the news." The guard explained.

   "What do you mean?" Yan Chengfeng said coldly, "The Immortal Realm and the King of Hell are like water and fire, why did you send a letter to you in advance?"

   "This...this..." The guard glanced at Luo Chang beside him, hesitant.

   Seeing this, Yan Chengfeng said: "I'll give you two a chance, whoever wants to speak first, I'll let whoever live." As soon as these words came out, Luo Chang immediately said: "I said, I..."

   However, before he could say anything, the guard had already knocked him unconscious. Seeing his actions, Yan Chengfeng said with admiration: "Well done, let's talk." The guard hurriedly said: "The people from Xianjie are actually the same as King Yama, and that Qiao Er from Xianjie was secretly secreted by King Yan. Nurtured subordinates. Qiao Er can become the leader of the people in the immortal world, and all the kings of **** support her behind her. Otherwise, if she is a woman, how could others believe her."

   Hearing this, Yan Chengfeng said with a dark face: "You mean that Qiao Yan is from the King of Hell, and she obeys the orders of the King of Hell in every move?"

   "Yes... yes." The guard nodded.

   "That bastard, King Yan." Yan Chengfeng couldn't help but scolded.

   "No wonder." At this moment, Leng Xuan finally understood. That day, Yan Chengfeng was ordered to attack Tianyang City in a big way, but he was defeated and returned, and he also lost Jiusui City. It turned out that the King of Yan had notified Qiao Lu and those people in advance, so the other party made the defenses early. In addition, when he first went to Tianyang City, Qiao Lu had sent someone to assassinate him, and it was because of the King of Hell that the other party exposed his identity.

   But what he didn't quite understand was that since Yan Chengfeng worked for the King of Hell, and Qiao Er was from the King of Hell, why did the King of Yan let Yan Chengfeng attack Qiao Ye? When the two forces fight, no matter who wins or loses, it is the King of Hell who will suffer. For this, Yan Chengfeng obviously couldn't figure it out.

After questioning, the guard replied: "Ye Wang deliberately did this to confuse the ghost king, so that the ghost king mistakenly thinks that the king of **** and the people from the immortal world are very stiff. At that time, Qiao Er can use this to negotiate with the ghost king and work together to deal with the king of hell. Once the ghost king agrees, Yan Wang and Qiao Ye will set up an ambush to lead the ghost king into a trap. Everything they are doing now is just a show, specially for the ghost king."

   "So it is." Leng Xuan nodded, "You are just an ordinary bodyguard, why do you know so much?"

   "I am in charge of the information transmission between the King of Hell and Qiao Yan, so I am very clear about this matter."

Yan Chengfeng said with a sneer: "I can't believe that the **** of King Yan has also learned to play tricks. However, this kind of plan to kill one thousand enemies and self-destruct eight hundred can only be thought of by a stupid person like him." , he said again: "According to you, those people in Immortal Realm are all under the King of Hell?"

"No." The guard said, "Not everyone, only Qiao Er was trained by the King of Hell himself. Only a few of Qiao Er's confidants knew about this matter, and the others were unaware. Most of those from Immortal Realm They all rejected the King of Hell and the King of Ghosts. If they were told the truth of the matter, someone would definitely quit, so Qiao Er did not dare to let them know.

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