With a low snort, Luo Chang said lightly, "Don't treat me as a three-year-old child. You have been with Yan Chengfeng for so long. Since he hasn't come back, where do you think he will be?"

   "This...how do I know this."

   "Huh, I don't think you don't know, but you won't tell me. Keep calling me!"

   "No, I'm really... ah!" A scream replaced the words in his mouth.

   "You haven't rescued them yet?" In a house not far from the square in Jiusui City, Leng Xuan looked at the tortured people and said with a frown.

"It's alright, their lives are not in danger yet." Yan Chengfeng said, "Just take this opportunity to see how loyal they are to me, if they're all rubbish, then why should I take such a big risk to save them? go out."

  Leng Xuan sighed helplessly, at this point, he was not as cruel as Yan Chengfeng. If it were him, he would have rushed to save people long ago. Although he did not agree with Yan Chengfeng's approach, he had to admit that what Yan Chengfeng said did make sense. If these people were unfaithful to him, then there was no need for him to risk saving them.

   After a round of caning, several more people passed out.

   Seeing this, Yan Chengfeng said solemnly: "Do it." After the words were finished, he rushed out first.

   "Yan rides the wind."

As soon as Yan Chengfeng appeared, Luo Chang immediately noticed him, "Someone, grab him for me!" With the order, more than a dozen guards immediately flew towards Yan Chengfeng, who was galloping towards him. "Get out of here!" Yan Chengfeng roared, his whole body burst out with momentum, like a gushing volcano, its power reached its extreme.

Before    approached, the dozen or so guards were forced back by the powerful momentum. "A bunch of rubbish." Luo Chang snorted coldly, tapped his toes, and blocked Yan Chengfeng's way, "I was looking for you, but I didn't expect you to come back by yourself, or better, save it. I have a lot of time."

   "Luo Chang, you are not a good city lord of Tianbei City, but you came to my Jiusui City to be presumptuous. I think you are tired of living." Yan Chengfeng said coldly.

"Yan Chengfeng, I should give you this sentence. I advise you to surrender honestly and go back to see the King of Hell with me. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." As soon as Luo Chang's voice fell, Yan Cheng Feng couldn't help sneering, "Is it just you? This guy is handed over to you, I don't want to waste time."

Leng Xuan rubbed his hands together, walked out from behind him slowly, and said helplessly: "You are quite a manipulative guy. Luo Chang, right? I advise you to settle it yourself, don't let me do it." Wen Yan, Luo Chang's pupils shrank, stared at Leng Xuan, and said word by word, "Are you Leng Xuan?"

   "It's me." Leng Xuan looked at Yan Chengfeng and said, "Thanks to you, I only came to Huangquan a few days ago, and I became so famous."

   "Go!" Suddenly, Luo Chang gave an order and flew away to the outside of the city. Before he came, the King of Hell had mentioned Leng Xuan to him, so he was very aware of Leng Xuan's cultivation. "Go?" Leng Xuan glanced at him, "I don't agree, where are you going. Come back!" He raised his hand and slammed it back. Suddenly, Luo Chang, who was walking forward, stumbled and fell directly to the ground. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Leng Xuan moved quickly, rushed to the front of the other party, stretched out his hand and lifted him up.

   "You... what do you want to do? If you dare to touch me, the King of Hell will never let you go." Luo Chang said quickly.

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