"You don't know me, but I know you." The other party said, his voice was so hoarse and unpleasant that he couldn't identify the gender at all.

   "You know me?" Leng Xuan frowned, quickly searching for information about the person in front of him, but he had no impression of this person at all. He believed that if he had seen this person's appearance, he would never forget, "I haven't seen you."

"Yes, you haven't seen me." The other party said, "But I see you often, as long as I want, I can grasp your every move. By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, you can call me Corpse."

   "Corpse?" Leng Xuan was the first to hear such a strange name, "Are you a human or a ghost?"

"Ghosts don't have names." The corpse said slowly, "Don't you understand the meaning of the name corpse? The corpse, half human and half ghost, in me, half human and half ghost." Leng Xuan was not interested in arguing with the other party about the meaning of the name. He asked, "Why did you arrest me here?"

   "You are wrong. To be precise, what should you do on my site? Don't you know that this place belongs to me?"

   "If I wanted to know, I wouldn't come." Leng Xuan said, "What the **** is this place? What's your status, King of Hell's subordinate?"

"The subordinate of the King of Hell?" The corpse sneered and said, "He doesn't have the qualifications. This place is called Ghost Forest, where I live in seclusion. As for my identity, even if I say it, you won't know. You are the fairyland. Chinese people, don't know the history of Huangquan, it's useless to say more."

   "Since this is your territory, it's really my fault that I entered without permission. Why don't you let me go and I'll leave here immediately."

"Leng Xuan, what you think is too simple." The corpse said with a smile, "You may not know that your presence is a life-saving straw for me. Only you can let me leave this ghost place and return to it again. Huang Quan." Hearing this, Leng Xuan said, "If you want me to help you, let me go now, don't take me as your prisoner."

The corpse man looked at him, nodded and said, "Yes, you can't escape anyway." When he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and Leng Xuan felt his whole body light up, and the shackles on his body disappeared without a trace. He turned over, stood up quickly, looked at the other party vigilantly, and said, "Can you use the power of soul?" The moment the other party waved his hand, he clearly felt the wave of power of soul appear.

"Why not, as I said, this is my territory. As long as I want, there is nothing I can't do. So I advise you, don't think about running away, it's not good for you. Besides, your friends are still with me. If you do anything wrong in his hands, I will kill him immediately."

   "Yan Chengfeng was caught by you?" Leng Xuan was shocked and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​resistance. As Yan Chengfeng's life was at stake, he was still careful.

   "You killed all those corpses outside?"

   "Not bad." The corpse nodded and admitted.

   "Why?" Leng Xuan asked, "It's not enough to kill them, you have to gouge out their eyes, don't you think it's cruel?"

   "Cruel?" The corpse's eyes were cold, and he gritted his teeth, "Do you know what cruelty is? Do you know how that person treated me back then? Cruel... You don't know the meaning of these two words at all."

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