checked the surrounding situation and saw that there was no danger, so he called to Yan Chengfeng and asked him to come over. After swimming to the shore, the two stroked the messy hair on their foreheads, and then turned their attention to the surrounding of the pool.

   The place where they are now is a water pool with a waterfall above the water pool, and in the surrounding area of ​​the water pool, there are piles of chaotic gravel, looking far away, you can see a green forest not far away. "Leng Xuan, have you noticed?" At this moment, Yan Chengfeng said.

  Leng Xuan nodded. After coming to this place, he had already noticed that the power of soul in this place was many times stronger than that in the space of soul power.

   "This place was also opened up by Hades?"

"I don't know." Yan Chengfeng said, "I've only been to the soul power space, and I've never been here. Besides, I haven't heard anyone talking about this place before. I guess it's probably a secret space built by the King of Hell. , a place dedicated to his own cultivation."

   "There is a possibility." The power of the soul in this place is so strong that it cannot be formed overnight. Besides, this kind of cultivation holy land, no one will share it with others. After Leng Xuan looked around for a few times, he found that the area of ​​this space was not large, and he could see the end at a glance.

   "Let's go, let's take a look at the forest." At that moment, the two left the pool and walked straight to the green forest not far away. Although the power of the soul here is very strong, the power of the soul in the two of them is suppressed. Can be absorbed but not used.

   Not long after, the two came to the outside of the green forest. Before entering the forest, a strange feeling emerged in Leng Xuan's heart. The feeling was very strange and indescribable. Looking at Yan Chengfeng, the other party's eyes were slightly condensed, and he obviously felt the same way. "Be careful later." After Leng Xuan explained, he walked into the forest. Walking among the lush foliage, Leng Xuan's ears were quiet, there was no sound at all, but the strange feeling became stronger and stronger, as if something was calling him in the forest. "Leng Xuan." At this moment, Yan Chengfeng, who was walking behind, suddenly called out to Leng Xuan, and then pointed to the top.

   Following the direction of his fingers, Leng Xuan turned to look. Suddenly, I saw a corpse hanged upside down from a branch. The corpse was a man before his death, and his age was difficult to judge. To Leng Xuan's surprise, the eyes of this corpse were hollowed out, like two hollows, which looked terrifying. "How come there are dead people here?" Yan Chengfeng was puzzled, "Could it be that someone has been here before?"

   "Look further ahead." Leng Xuan said. The more they went deeper into the forest, the two found that there were more and more dead bodies hanging upside down in the forest. All of these corpses had their eyes gouged out. When the two were about to enter the center of the green forest, Leng Xuan suddenly made a gesture to signal Yan Chengfeng who was behind him to stop. "What's wrong?" Yan Chengfeng walked to his side a few steps and asked.

   "We... we may have come to a place where we shouldn't have come." Leng Xuan said with a single word, his eyes fixed on the front, his face turned pale.

   Noticing the change in his expression, Yan Chengfeng couldn't help but look forward. However, he only saw a leaf and nothing, "What did you see?"

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