Leng Xuan said: "Since the people in the immortal world dare to do this, they must have imagined this possibility. But they are still unscrupulous, which shows that they are not afraid of the king of **** and the king of ghosts joining forces."

   "Why, don't you think those guys in the fairy world have the ability to fight against the king of **** and the king of ghosts?"

   "There is no absolute in everything." Leng Xuan said, "Maybe they have some unknown means." When the words were finished, he asked: "Have you ever had contact with people from the fairyland?"

"I haven't had much contact with them. After all, I am a subordinate of the King of Hell. If I get too close to them, I will inevitably make the King of Hell suspicious. However, I know where they are located. If you want to see them, I can take you there. "

  Leng Xuan thought for a while and said, "It's better to go and meet, maybe you can meet someone you know."

  After resting in Jiusui City for a day, Leng Xuan followed Yan Chengfeng and set off for the residence of those people in Xianjie. It was a pleasure for Leng Xuan to meet an acquaintance in a strange place like Huangquan. Moreover, when he was in the cultivation world, he had a little respect for Yan Chengfeng. No matter what Yan Chengfeng did later, at least he was a man of temperament and a genius. Sometimes, Leng Xuan even sympathized with Yan Chengfeng's experience. A generation of kings was destroyed by Zhengdao's conspiracy.

"It's here." Yan Chengfeng stopped, pointed to a city not far away, and said, "That's where people from the Immortal Realm reside, Tianyang City. My identity is not very convenient, so I won't accompany you in. "Leng Xuan replied: "You are waiting for me outside." Although he went to see the immortal world alone, he was not worried. With his cultivation, he did not take this danger into his eyes.

When    came to the gate of Tianyang City, several guards greeted him. "Who is coming?"

   "I'm from Immortal Realm, I heard that this is the gathering place of people in Immortal Realm, so I came to see and hope that a few of you can accommodate."

"Oh, is that right?" Hearing him reporting his home, the tone of the guards suddenly softened a lot. "It turned out to be the immortal friend who arrived. However, before entering the city, we need to confirm the identity of the immortal friend." Leng Xuan did not Answer: "How to confirm this?"

   A guard smiled and said, "It's very simple. Dare to ask your fellow immortals, when did you come to Huangquan?"

   "Just a while ago, not long ago." Leng Xuan replied.

   "That's easy to handle. Since the immortal friends are from the immortal world, I have a better understanding of some situations in the immortal world. Let me ask you a question, who is the ruler in the immortal world today?"

   "This..." Leng Xuan hesitated.

   "Why, don't you know about fellow immortals?" Several guards looked at Leng Xuan, their eyes gradually turning cold.

"Is it Leng Xuan?" After a pause, Leng Xuan continued: "Or is it Emperor Hunyuan?" In fact, he couldn't tell who is the ruler of the current fairyland. To be precise, the fairyland should be divided into four points. The situation in the world, he, Han Xu, the demon emperor, and Qin Ming. The four of them are all supreme-level powerhouses, and none of them can do anything at present.

   "Haha." The guards on the other side smiled and said, "Friend Immortal really is from Immortal Realm, please come in quickly."

   After being greeted by several guards into Tianyang City, a charming woman with a plump buttocks twisted, walked over, and said with a charming voice: "This fairy friend, I haven't asked your name yet."

  Leng Xuan bowed his hands to the other party and said, "My surname is Lin, just call me Lin Xuan."

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