"Okay. Senior Chen, if you need anything in the future, feel free to go to the shrine to find me. As long as it is where I can help, I will definitely not refuse."

   "Then we will have an appointment in the future, farewell!" After watching Chen Shu and the others leave, Leng Xuan also set off and returned to the shrine.

  Although he only left for more than ten days, these ten days were too long for Leng Xuan. Those days in Xiancheng were like years.

   Shrine. Hearing that Leng Xuan was back, everyone who heard the news rushed to the hall one after another. After recounting their experiences in Xiancheng, everyone said in amazement: "There is such a magical place in this world. Leng Xuan, who do you think built that place?" Leng Xuan shrugged and said, "How do I know." He only talked about Xiancheng, but did not tell everyone about the existence of the Lord. In his opinion, the less people know about some things, the better. Moreover, he was afraid that after he said it, some people would not accept it.

   "Senior Feng, how is the Immortal Realm during my absence?"

   "Everything is peaceful." Feng Lie said, "Qin Ming has been huddled in his own territory, and there is no movement. As for that guy Han Xu... We haven't found his whereabouts yet."

"That's good." Leng Xuan nodded and said, "In a few days, I will travel far away, and I am not sure when I will come back. If Qin Ming and the others do anything, you can deal with it yourself." After a pause, he Then: "If you can't handle it, go to the demon emperor."

   "Where are you going, do you want someone to accompany you?"

   "No, I'll go alone." Leng Xuan replied. His next destination is the Yellow Spring that the Lord said. Only there can we find the thing that rescued Ling Xueji. Back in the room, Li Mengjie knocked on the door and walked in. "You're here." Leng Xuan smiled, "Sit down."

   "Looking at your complexion, it seems that you haven't rested much recently." Li Mengjie said, "Are you still worried about Xue Vulture?"

   "I'm fine." Leng Xuan hesitated for a moment, then said, "Trust me, Xue Ji will be back with us soon."

   Hearing this, Li Mengjie hurriedly asked, "Have you found her?"

   "Not yet, but soon." Leng Xuan rubbed his brows and relaxed his nerves, "I went out this time to save her."

   "I know you're worried about her, but I'm also worried about you, and I don't want anything to happen to both of you. Promise me, be careful!"

   "Don't worry, I will take good care of myself." Leng Xuan smiled and said with relief, "After so many storms, am I still fine now?"

   "Then you have a good rest, I won't disturb you."

  In the sea, inside the huge clam shell, Ling Xuejiu sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, bathed in a holy white light, and practiced quietly. In this clam shell, time seems to have stopped, and the passage of time cannot be felt. She didn't know how long it took, but she slowly opened her eyes and looked at the white light in front of her.

   "Your mind is messed up again." At this moment, a low voice entered her ear, "Are you thinking of him again?"

   "Yes." Ling Xuejiu nodded lightly, "I... can I really save him?"

"Of course, as long as you do as I say, you will be able to see him again." The mysterious voice said, "Your cultivation has reached a bottleneck now, and you are only one step away from saving him. I hope you Be able to calm down and cultivate, and make breakthroughs as soon as possible.”

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