"Don't worry, this is normal. After entering this area, anyone's cultivation will be suppressed, not just you, but me too. I came here once before, and the fate chart is in the center of this area. If you want to find the horoscope, you have to go through here, there is no other way."

   "No need." Immortal King said, "Go and bring out the life plate, I will wait for you here. As long as the life plate is in hand, I will send you away immediately."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan furrowed his eyebrows secretly. He didn't expect the other party to be so cautious that he would not go in with him. In this case, his plan cannot be implemented.

   "Okay, since you don't want to go, then you wait for me here." After he finished speaking, he galloped into the depths of the light. However, before he walked far, he saw a golden light slowly descending from mid-air, appearing above the heads of the two of them. Seeing the golden light, Leng Xuan's expression changed, and he said in surprise, "Master?"

   "Master?" Looking at the person shrouded in the golden light, the Immortal King hurriedly knelt to the ground and respectfully said, "I have seen the master."

   "What are you doing here?" The Lord's voice came out slowly from the golden light. Hearing the other party's icy tone, Immortal King trembled as if struck by lightning, "I...I..."

   "Don't dare to say it? You don't dare to say it, then I'll say it for you, you want a fortune chart, don't you?"

   "No! No! I dare not." Immortal King said quickly.

"Don't think I don't know what you've done over the years." The Master snorted coldly, "I created you, but you want to betray me. Well, since you want to read the horoscope, then I will fulfill your wish and come with me. Let's do it." The words fell, and the golden light flashed, slowly moving towards the depths of the light. Seeing this, the Immortal King didn't dare to neglect, got up quickly, and followed behind the master.

   After walking for half an hour, the three of them were about to reach the center of the light. At this moment, Leng Xuan felt that the source power in his dantian was completely suppressed and could not be used. He could only walk on his legs. Not only him, but also the Immortal King. It seems that because of the sudden appearance of the master, the immortal king's face is tense, sweat is dripping on his forehead, and he looks very scared. Along the way, I didn't even dare to take a breath.

   Suddenly, the Immortal King who had been bowing his head and said nothing raised his head and looked at the master leading the way in front of him, his eyes flickering.

   "You are not the master, who are you?" Suddenly, he opened his mouth and said in a cold tone. The master walking in front turned his head and met the eyes of the Immortal King, and said: "I was discovered by you, I knew that when I got here, I would definitely not be able to deceive you." When the voice fell, the golden light on his body gradually dissipated, It was Huonan.

   Before coming, Leng Xuan had considered all the possibilities, including the request made by the Immortal King just now. Therefore, he must think of a way to lure the Immortal King in with him. After much deliberation, the only way is to pretend to be the master. Because the Immortal King was created by the Lord, and for the Immortal King, the Lord is the sky. This reverence was innate to him.

   So, he let Huo Nan pretend to be the master to confuse the fairy king. With the status of the Lord in the mind of the Immortal King, he would not and would not dare to question the status of the Lord. In addition, the master has always shown people with golden light, so it is very easy to disguise. However, once they entered the heart of the light, the camouflage was useless.

  The reason is very simple, although that light can suppress the power of the source in their bodies, but the Sovereign, as the supreme being, will not be affected by that light.

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