Several others responded, pushing the speed to the extreme. However, when they passed through a muddy field, they saw a few cold awns suddenly flashed from the muddy water on the ground, piercing their bodies from bottom to top. They didn't even have a chance to react, so they fell to the ground and died. The white curtain, which lost control, sank and fell into the muddy water.

   "Friend Bai Xian, are you alright?" Leng Xuan got out of the ancient wood beside him, hurried to the front of Bai Lian, and pulled him out of the muddy water.

Bai Lian stood up, looked at the dead Wanxian League members, and said, "You did it? How is it possible, didn't you lose your cultivation?" Leng Xuan did not answer his question directly, but instead He said again: "Friend Bai Xian, don't ask so many questions, let's leave quickly." Bai Lian looked at him and said solemnly, "Come with me."

   Under the leadership of the white curtain, Leng Xuan quickly marched into the depths of the swamp. Along the way, they saw many members of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance. Fortunately, they avoided it in time and were not discovered by the other party. The two walked all the way, and after about a half-day of effort, Bai Lian said, "Okay, let's take a rest first."

  Leng Xuan sat on the ground, panting heavily. After running for so long, his stamina has already been exhausted. After resting for a while, he looked at the surroundings and asked, "Friend Bai, where are we going now?" Bai Lian pointed to the depths of the swamp, "Our destination is there, and there is still a long way to go. Distance." When the words fell, he suddenly asked: "Why do you want to save me? Don't forget, I originally wanted to kill you."

"Only you know my friend's whereabouts. If you die, my friend's clues will also be cut off." Leng Xuan said, "Bai Xianyou, I have nothing else to ask for. I just want to find my friend. I said, as long as you are willing to Help me, I can pay no matter what the price is." Bai Lian pondered for a while and said, "I have already told you, even if I bring you to find your friend, it will be difficult for you to rescue her." Hearing this, Leng Xuan said: "This is my business, whether it is successful or not, I will try it."

   "Okay." Bai Lian nodded, "Since you insist, I will take you to find her. However, you must listen to me along the way."

   "No problem." Leng Xuan responded immediately. As long as he can find Su Yurou, he can accept any request. After resting for a while, the two set off again.

  Leng Xuan found that the area of ​​this swamp is very large. He walked such a long distance with the white curtain and still did not leave the area. Moreover, listening to the white curtain, they have not yet reached the center of this area. With the deepening of the two, those Wanxian League members have been left far behind, which makes Leng Xuan finally relieved. "It's almost there." After another half-day's journey, the white curtain leading the way said.

   Not long after, they came to a camp built in the center of the swamp. There are not many people in the camp, and there are only six people in the white curtain, four men and three women. These people are dressed in almost the same clothes as the white curtain. They are all dressed in animal skins.

   Those people were obviously a little hostile to the appearance of Leng Xuan. Obviously, these people are not very accepting of outsiders. However, Bai Lian seems to be the head of these people. When Bai Lian told them that Leng Xuan saved his life, these people's attitude towards Leng Xuan improved.

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