Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8571: Once cultivated to waste 7

The Demon Emperor stepped forward, looked at him, and said, "It seems that you have had a good life recently." Leng Xuan replied calmly, "Thank you for your blessing." After a while, he said. Turning around, he asked, "Tell me the whereabouts of my friend."

   Hearing the words, the demon emperor nodded, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. Soon, a young man lowered his head, walked over quickly, and said respectfully, "I have seen the emperor." The demon emperor pointed to the young man and said, "He found your friend, and he will bring him with him. You go to that place. Remember, don't forget to return to the shrine after the event is completed. If you dare to leave privately, you should know the consequences." Leng Xuan did not reply, and walked out. The young man glanced at the Demon Emperor, cupped his hands, and followed Leng Xuan.

   Now, Leng Xuan, who has lost his cultivation, can no longer do Yukong Fei. Therefore, the young man named Tong Lang took him along the way.

   After more than half a day, Leng Xuan and the two finally arrived at a place in the Divine Realm. Looking around, all I can see is a swamp, with sparse woods and piles of dead leaves. Looking at such an environment, Leng Xuan frowned and said, "Are you sure she's here?"

Tong Lang nodded and said: "yes. It looked like five days ago. I led a team to patrol around here, and found a woman flew out of the swamp. We just wanted to go up and ask each other's identity, but she seemed to be I was very afraid of us, so I ran back immediately. After we chased into the swamp, we found that she was gone. After returning, I recalled the appearance of the woman, which seemed to be very similar to the woman who was told by the demon emperor, so I reported it. ."

   "Come on, let's go in and have a look." After speaking, Leng Xuan walked towards the swamp. However, after he took a few steps, he found that Tong Lang hadn't followed. Seeing this, he couldn't help but ask: "Why don't you leave?" Tong Lang replied: "The emperor explained that this is your own business, and you should be left to find it alone. I will stay here for ten days, ten days. After that, if you haven't come out yet, then I'll be the only one to go back."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help but sneer. The demon emperor is really vicious, and even knowing that his cultivation base has been abolished, he even let himself find it alone. However, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. Since Tong Lang refused to help, he would not be ashamed to ask others. Entering the swamp alone, Leng Xuan moved forward cautiously.

  This swamp feels very gloomy, and strange noises can be heard from time to time. If it was before, Leng Xuan would naturally not be afraid of anything, but now it is different. He is just an ordinary person now. If there is any danger, he has no ability to deal with it. Thinking of this, he suddenly understood the purpose of the demon emperor.

   The demon emperor did this to send himself to death. No matter what dangers there are in this swamp, it is not something he can handle. When that time comes, only death will greet him. However, the purpose of the demon emperor's actions should not be so simple. The Demon Emperor himself said that there is something that needs his assistance, and it can only be him, not anyone else. In this way, the thing the Demon Emperor wants to do must have something to do with him. If he dies, it doesn't matter if the thing he said can't be completed. However, if he succeeded in finding Su Yurou and survived, then he would continue to assist the Demon Emperor.

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