Only at the Demon Emperor's place can his safety be guaranteed. "If there is no Qin Ming, is there any way you can contain Emperor Hunyuan and Emperor Tongtian?" King Qingye asked.

   "This is no problem, but we can't hold on for too long." Leng Xuan said truthfully. "It won't take too long to kill Qin Ming." Qing Ye Ang's words are very confident. Of course, with her strength, she is indeed qualified to say such words. The Great Emperor Tongtian is not her opponent, let alone Qin Ming.

   "Call your people, let's go directly to Yinyuan Palace." King Aoba acted resolutely and did what he said. Soon, Leng Xuan called Feng Lie and the others together.

   After everyone was ready, they immediately set off and rushed to Yin Yuan Hall. This time, with the presence of King Aoba, everyone is confident. It didn't take long to arrive at Yin Yuan Palace. Leng Xuan looked at Yin Yuandian's station from a distance, and saw that there were many patrols outside. "Go straight in." As soon as King Qingye's voice fell, everyone immediately moved their bodies and galloped straight towards Yin Yuandian. All Yin Yuandian's disciples he saw along the way were beheaded. Not long after, the group came to the main hall of Yin Yuan Hall. "Hunyuan, Tongtian, come out!" King Qingye looked around, looked around, and said coldly.

   However, no matter how they called, the Demon Emperor and the others did not appear. Seeing this, Leng Xuan frowned secretly, they killed so many people along the way, making such a big noise. Logically speaking, the Demon Emperor and Tongtian Emperor should have already appeared. Just when he was puzzled, he heard a few loud 'dong dong' sounds. Immediately afterwards, I saw thick iron gates falling from the exits around the main hall, trapping the palace to death.

  Leng Xuan's complexion changed, and he rushed to the door, throwing his fist at the thick iron gate. But listening to a loud 'bang', the iron gate was still standing there intact. At the same time, red lights appeared on the iron gate, forming a complex formation. Not just the iron gate in front of him, but almost everywhere in this palace. "Trapped to death?" Everyone frowned and tried to break out. However, after a while, there was no success. "How could this happen?" Feng Lie said in a deep voice, "Did they know that we would come, so they laid a trap in advance?"

"Impossible." Crazy Tiger Beast said, "We have been staying together for a long time, it is impossible for them to find our whereabouts. Moreover, we came here on an ad hoc basis." As soon as he finished speaking, Leng Xuan heard the demon The emperor's voice sounded in the palace: "You are finally here, King Aoba, meet again."

   "Hun Yuan, if you have the ability, why should you be a tortoise." King Aoba said coldly. The Demon Emperor laughed, "To tell the truth, I really have no confidence in winning against you, so I can only use some means." After a pause, he turned his head and said: "Leng Xuan, you are really amazing. King Qingye sealed his own repair. You went to the mundane world for your strength and strength, but you have never disclosed it to the public, making us mistakenly believe that King Aoba is with you, and dare not make a move."

   Hearing these words, Leng Xuan's heart sank. Not many people knew about King Qingye, and they were all his cronies and confidants. There was absolutely no chance of betrayal, so he was very curious as to how the Demon Emperor knew about this. "Aren't you weird, how do I know these things?" <

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