Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8548: God in a single thought 7

After a while, Xu Hong's lowered head suddenly lifted up, and he said every word: "I know who Jiang Liu is." Hearing this, Leng Xuan was overjoyed and cupped his hands: "I have seen King Qingye. "Seeing his actions, the others saluted to show their respect.

"Leng Xuan, I told Lu Qi, if you really can't stand it, you can come to me, and I will provide you with a helping hand." At this time, Xu Hong should be called the King of Green Leaves, although he is still the king of green leaves. The same person, but with a completely different temperament, "I've only been away from Immortal Realm for half a year. You came to me so soon. Could it be that an accident happened in Immortal Realm?" Leng Xuan nodded and said, "Yes." The changes in the fairy world were told.

   "You mean that Qin Ming's appearance has destroyed the situation you created?" King Qingye said. Leng Xuan replied: "Yes. Qin Ming has the broken stars in his hands. If I don't solve him, even if I learn the nine-day star formation, it will be useless."

"Okay, I understand." Qingye Wang said, "I will help you solve Qin Ming, and I will also teach you the great formation, but it is only once, if there is any change in the future, don't bother me again." , she walked directly to Lu Qi's side, and said with concern, "Are you okay? I shot too hard just now."

   "It doesn't matter, my life is given by you, even if I die at your hands, I have no complaints." Lu Qi said. "How about Yin Yuan, is he not injured?" Although she has changed back to King Aoba, she still cares about Yin Yuan's safety. "Don't worry, he'll be fine, we just played a play." Leng Xuan replied.

   "Let him stay in the hospital for a while, and I'll go find him after I'm done." King Aoba was found, and the group immediately set off and returned to the Immortal Realm.

   Back in the Immortal Realm, the first thing Leng Xuan did was to go to the Tianhuo Palace to inquire about Su Yurou's news. However, Guigu told him that no clues about Su Yurou had been found yet, which made him very worried. Now that King Green Leaf had returned, although he was worried about Su Yurou's safety, Leng Xuan couldn't focus on it. Compared with the love of children, the next thing is more important, which will be related to the future of them and the fairy world.

   "By the way, Leng Xuan, what is the origin of that friend of yours?" Hearing Guigu's question, Leng Xuan said strangely, "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

"I found out that it's not only me, but other people are also looking for your friend." Hearing this, Leng Xuan was startled, and said, "Is there such a thing?" , no one knows her, how could anyone want to find her? "Senior Guigu, do you know who is looking for her?"

   "I don't know that. The identities of those people have not been found out yet." Leaving the Tianhuo Palace, Leng Xuan's brows were never widened. There are still people looking for Su Yurou, this is too strange. Likewise, he was even more worried about Su Yurou's safety.

   "Where is Qin Ming?" King Aoba asked bluntly. After they returned to the fairyland, they did not go to the borderless land to join others, but came to the shrine. Since the last time they left, the shrine has been occupied by the people of Yin Yuandian. In order to **** the magic back, they also spent a lot of effort.

   "I don't know yet, it may be in Yin Yuan Palace." Leng Xuan said. Qin Ming knew that he was active outside, so he would not easily return to the Wanxian League.

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