Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8544: God in a single thought 3

   Facing Leng Xuan's question, Xu Hong said somewhat unnaturally: "I... I seemed to be hanging out on the street at the time."

   "Like? So, you're not sure what you're doing?"

   "I don't remember very clearly." Xu Hong said. "A witness said that you appeared near that alley after ten o'clock when the incident happened. I wonder if you still have any impression?"

   "No, I don't remember being there, so the person must have read it wrong."

   "Really? I asked your husband just now, and he said that you went out at eight o'clock that night and didn't come home until eleven o'clock at night. You have been wandering the streets for such a long time?"

   "It should be, I don't remember very well what happened that night." After a pause, she bit her lip and asked, " don't doubt me, right?"

"It wasn't at the time, I was just asking." As soon as Leng Xuan finished speaking, he heard Feng Lie whispering behind him: "Leng Xuan, isn't it a waste of time for you to ask like this, just ask and see if you can wake her up. memory."

Leng Xuan nodded, turned his eyes to Xu Hong, and asked, "Do you still remember the past? The information I have here shows that you came here six months ago. During this six months ago, all your information was Blank, can you tell me what you used to do and what your real name is."

"You...I don't know what you said. The doctor said that I lost my memory and forgot what happened in the past." Xu Hong replied honestly. Judging from her expression, she was not only nervous at the moment, but also worried about the past. Leng Xuan and these people are still a little scared. Leng Xuan was helpless, it seemed that Xu Hong had completely forgotten the past. Immediately, he prompted: "Do you have any impression of King Anqing and King Xiaoyao, these two names?"

"King Anqing? King Xiaoyao?" Xu Hong asked with a puzzled face, "Who are those people, why are their names so weird, this is the first time I've heard you say that they are characters on TV?" Leng Xuan was about to continue to ask questions. However, Feng Lie, who was behind him, said first: "King Qingye, we are in big trouble, and I hope you can help. I know you can understand what we mean, so why pretend not to know, as long as the trouble is solved, you can Continue to live the life you want, we will never bother you again." Xu Hong asked back, "Why do you always call me King Qingye? This is not my name, my name is Xu Hong, Yin Yuan's wife. "

   Looking at Xu Hong's eyes and the expression on his face, Leng Xuan frowned secretly. Judging from these details, the other party did not lie. "King Qingye, you..." Feng Lie wanted to speak, but was stopped by Leng Xuan, "Miss Xu, sit here for a while, we'll be right back."

After coming out of the interrogation room, Leng Xuan said: "It's useless for us to ask this question. Since she has sealed all her past memories, she will definitely not be able to recall them for a while." After speaking, he turned his attention to Green Qi, said: "Fairy, didn't you tell you how to wake up her memory when King Qingye left?" Lu Qi said directly: "No. King Qingye said that we can come to her for help, but we can If we can't wake up her memory, that depends on our ability."

  Leng Xuan thought for a while, and then asked the dragon head: "Is that surveillance video still there?" The dragon head replied: "It's still there, what's wrong?"

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