Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8537: The Four Holy Traditions 1

   "You'd better pray that Yurou is okay, otherwise, I'll remove your immortal guardian clan from this." Leng Xuan coldly dropped a sentence, and then rushed to the cave where the immortal beast was with Granny Feng. At this moment, the four Feng Lie were walking back and forth around the fairy beast, exchanging a few words from time to time.

   Seeing Leng Xuan and Granny Feng coming back, Feng Lie made a gesture to Leng Xuan, signaling him to go over. "Senior Feng, what's wrong?"

"Leng Xuan, the four of us checked it just now." He pointed to the chain on the immortal beast, and continued, "According to our speculation, this immortal beast is imprisoned here, and there are already tens of thousands of people. It's been a few years." Leng Xuan looked surprised, "Ten thousand years? Are you sure it's been that long?"

"That's right." Feng Lie nodded. "Ten thousand years is just a rough guess. It may have been imprisoned for longer than we thought. You see, these chains have been integrated with its body. Sigh , no matter what the identity of this fairy beast is, from its current appearance, it can be seen that it suffered a lot back then."

   "If there is such a long time, could it be done by the three kings of God's Domain?" Leng Xuan guessed.

"Very likely."

  From He Qing'an's mouth and Feng Lie's speculation, Leng Xuan already knew something about this fairy beast. This fairy beast has been trapped in the Kunlun Mountains for tens of thousands of years, and it is likely that the three kings of the gods did it. Judging from the fluctuations emanating from this immortal beast, its strength should be strong, not weaker than Feng Lie and the others. However, due to being trapped for many years, its body has been seriously damaged, and now it can only maintain its life through the heaven and earth spirit treasures.

  In the realm of self-cultivation, only the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual treasures of heaven and earth is the most abundant. However, Leng Xuan wondered why this fairy beast could not absorb the spiritual energy on its own? Was its body damaged to such an extent? Since this fairy beast was lying on the ground and its abdomen was tightly pressed against the ground, Feng Lie and the others were unable to conduct a comprehensive examination of its body. "Senior Feng." Leng Xuan's heart moved, and he asked, "Didn't you just say that you are familiar with its aura? Why is this?" Feng Lie said, "This is also our strange place, these questions can only be I'll ask it myself later."

  Although he was worried about Su Yurou's safety, Leng Xuan couldn't do anything if this fairy beast didn't wake up. At the moment, while he still had time, he met with Master Jinhua and Hongzheng, and sent them back. Of course, he didn't always give the two of them some benefits, which were promised to them before. Anyway, there are many good things in him, some of them were obtained in the cultivation world before, and it is useless to put them on him now. It is better to send them to others as a favor.

   After staying at the residence of the Xianhu family for two days, there was finally news from Fenglie. Leng Xuan hurriedly rushed from the stone house to the cave, and asked, "Is it about to wake up?" Feng Lie nodded, "Its soul has begun to return to its place." As his voice fell, he saw that The head of the fairy beast moved slightly. Immediately, its closed eyes slowly opened and looked at the people in front of him. "Who are you?" As soon as he woke up, the fairy beast immediately asked.

   "We have to ask you this question, who are you?" Feng Lie continued. "No, how can you have..."

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