Hearing this, Leng Xuan walked to the immortal beast and prepared to wake it up. My sister, these big living people are still pretending to be dead when they stand in front of it. However, just when Leng Xuan was about to start, he heard Feng Lie's voice come over: "Leng Xuan, don't disturb it yet."

   "Senior Feng, what's wrong?" Leng Xuan asked. Feng Lie did not reply, but walked to the side of the fairy beast and looked back and forth carefully for a while. Not only him, but Chiwu and the others as well. After a while, the four of them chatted in a low voice, not knowing what they were discussing. Leng Xuan couldn't help urging: "Senior Feng, what's going on, tell me." Feng Lie said, "It's in a strange state right now, which we fairy beasts call this state. Divine wandering, just like a cultivator's primordial spirit leaving the body, is a meaning." Hearing this, Leng Xuan said in surprise: "You mean, its primordial spirit has left the body now?"

"Yes." Feng Lie nodded and said, "Although I don't know why it does this, if you forcibly disturb it now, it will cause great damage to its soul and body. Besides, look at its appearance. , is obviously imprisoned here, and the body is already very weak, if you are hit again, it is likely to hurt your life, so I don't recommend you to do it." Leng Xuan asked: "Then what is its soul? When will you be able to return?"

"I'm not sure about this, maybe a few days, maybe a few years." As soon as Feng Lie's words came out, Leng Xuan's brows furrowed, "No, I don't have that much time, and now Yurou's life and death are unknown, I can't rest assured." As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something, and turned to He Qingan who was beside him and asked, "Su Yurou shouldn't be the only one here."

   "Take me to see her." Leng Xuan pushed He Qingan and walked out of the hole quickly. Soon, he saw the imprisoned Granny Feng in a stone house underground. Although she was detained for several months, Granny Feng looked very good and should have suffered no hardships. "Leng Xuan, how did you find this place?" Seeing Leng Xuan's appearance, Granny Feng's surprise was beyond words. "Mother Feng, let's not talk about that, do you know where Yurou is?"

"I don't know. After I came here, they locked me up." Then, she pointed to He Qing'an next to her, and said, "I know who she took away, he should know." Hearing what she said, Leng Xuan couldn't help but smile. It seemed that in order to figure out Su Yurou's whereabouts, he had to go through that fairy beast.

   "Mother Feng, why did you come to this place?" Leng Xuan didn't understand. Even if Su Yurou wanted to find herself, she should not have come to such a place.

Granny Feng sighed and said, "You don't know, since you left, she hasn't contacted her for so long, and she's in a bad mood. I've never seen her smile in the past few years. Besides, she's more than once. Ask me, where did you go. But at that time, I didn't know your whereabouts. Later, I contacted Long Lingzi once, and from his mouth, I learned that you went to the fairyland. At that time, I did not know your whereabouts. After thinking about it, I told Yurou about it directly, and wanted her to know that it was not that you didn't contact her, but that you didn't have the opportunity to contact her. But... what I didn't expect was that Yurou's child actually moved to find you. thoughts."

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