Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8532: Immortal guardian family 3

   After rejecting Master Jinhua's kindness, Leng Xuan took Fenglie and the others to set off immediately, heading for the hinterland of Kunlun Mountain. However, before setting off, Master Jinhua and Hongzheng chased after them, expressing that they would go with them, "Palace Leng, I am more familiar with this Kunlun Mountain than you, maybe we can help you."

   Seeing them say this, Leng Xuan is not easy to refuse, and he really wants someone who knows Kunlun Mountain to go with him.

  In order to hurry up, Leng Xuan personally brought Master Jinhua and Hongzheng with them, showing their body and moving at full speed, but within a few breaths, the group arrived at the place Hongzheng said. After everyone stopped, Master Jinhua and Hongzheng looked at each other with horror in their eyes. Although Leng Xuan didn't show too much strength, the speed was enough to surprise them. "Two fellow Daoists, is this the central area of ​​Kunlun Mountain?" Leng Xuan asked.

   "Yes." The two nodded in response. Looking at everything in front of him, Leng Xuan's brows could not help wrinkling. When he wanted to come, as the center of Kunlun Mountains, it should be a place rich in spiritual energy, but at this moment, it seems that it is not the case. In this area, for some reason, there is a layer of dim light that looks very strange. And under that layer of light, there was a huge tiankeng. That day, the pit was bottomless, and it was pitch-black inside, and nothing could be seen clearly.

   "Two fellow Daoists, what's down there?" Leng Xuan asked, pointing at the pit. "That tiankeng was formed naturally. When we first arrived in Kunlun Mountain, that tiankeng was already formed." Jinhua Shang said, "In the beginning, we were also very curious about that tiankeng, so we joined other people and entered it together. In the tiankeng, we wanted to investigate the situation. However, when we went down to the tiankeng, we found that there are people living there, and... the people there are very strange, very xenophobic, and never contact the outside world. In addition, if Anyone who forces their way into their territory will be mercilessly killed."

"Then there are also cultivators living down there?" Feng Lie asked, "How many of them are there?" Hongzheng replied: "The identity of the cultivators is definitely correct, but the number is not clear, those people are very powerful, even if We can’t fight them together.” Leng Xuan nodded, and immediately said: “Senior Feng, let’s go down and have a look. Two fellow Daoists, you are behind us.” The voice fell, and he showed his body and went straight to That pit galloped away.

After entering the Tiankeng, Chongming, who was speeding side by side with Leng Xuan, looked very strange. Suddenly, he heard him say, "Leng Xuan, it's a little strange." Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately asked, "Why? already?"

   If it was Master Jinhua’s reminder, he wouldn’t take it to heart. After all, their strength is there, and who can compete with them in the cultivation world. But Chongming is different, he is a person of the same level as himself, and even he says it is weird, it must not be simple. The group slowed down and only listened to Zhongming: "The breath here gives me a very familiar feeling." Feng Lie frowned: "Is there such a thing? It shouldn't."

  Leng Xuan felt the same way. This is the realm of self-cultivation, how could there be an aura familiar to Zhongming, unless it is... Thinking of this, Leng Xuan's heart moved, if that is the case, then this possibility is not impossible.

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