Hearing this, the demon emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian looked at each other, and then asked, "Can you break his nine-day star formation? It's impossible!"

   "I don't know the nine-day star formation you are talking about, nor have I seen it before. When I played against him that day, he did summon two formations, but those two formations were useless to me." Qin Mingdao.

   "It's useless? How is this possible, how did you do it." The Great Emperor Tongtian said solemnly. Qin Ming smiled and said: "I don't know if you two have heard of Broken Stars?" As soon as the three words Broken Stars came out, the expressions of Tongtian Great Emperor and Demon Emperor suddenly changed, "Do you have Broken Stars?" Facing the two eager inquiries, Qin Ming nodded. "Haha, good!" After receiving Qin Ming's confirmation, the Great Emperor Tongtian couldn't help laughing loudly, "It's really God helping me, with Broken Stars, so what if he can make a nine-day star formation!" The Demon Emperor smiled and said, "Since you If there are broken stars, then there is no problem for us to cooperate, what do you want?" Qin Ming said: "I don't want much, and after the completion of the matter, the Four Sacred Mountains will belong to me. In addition, I also hope that the two of you will raise your hand, within ten thousand years. , don't come to trouble me." Before the demon emperor could speak, the Great Emperor Tongtian responded: "This is no problem. It's not too late, Hunyuan, you immediately organize your staff, we must destroy the shrine this time. ."

   In less than half a day, Yin Yuandian's disciples were ready. Following the Demon Emperor's order, the group of people moved their bodies together and headed for the shrine. Yin Yuandian was not far from the shrine, and it didn't take long before the army of Yin Yuandian arrived in front of the shrine and surrounded the shrine. "Where's the person?" The Great Emperor Tongtian glanced around, his brows suddenly wrinkled. In front of the gate of the shrine, it was deserted, and there was not a single guard, as if someone had gone to the building.

   "Go in and search!" The demon emperor raised his hand, and Su Yanghe and the others immediately rushed into the shrine with a group of men. After a while, everyone turned back and said, "Great Emperor, no one was found."

   At this moment, in a remote place in the God Realm, Leng Xuan, Qi Chen, Lu Qi, and Feng Lie, with thousands of divine generals, stayed quietly in a wild forest. "Leng Xuan, are you sure Qin Ming went to the Demon Emperor and the others?" Feng Lie asked. "It should be." Leng Xuan replied, "Although we can't be sure, we should be careful." After a while, there was a sound of breaking through the air above his head. Leng Xuan looked up and said, "Come on!"

Soon, I saw a **** falling from the sky and reported to Qi Chenhui: "Commander Qi, not long after we left, Emperor Hunyuan and Emperor Tongtian led their army to the shrine." Hearing this, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. . Fortunately, they left in time, otherwise, they would have been surrounded by the Great Emperor Tongtian now. "The more I'm afraid, the more I'll be." Leng Xuan sighed bitterly. Now that the Demon Emperor and the others have Qin Ming's help, they have lost the initiative. From today onwards, they are only afraid that they will have to live a life of escape. "Senior Prison Valley, has the Four Holy Mountains notified you?" he asked. "We have already sent people over, and they will rush to the next location to join us." Prison Valley said.

"Leng Xuan, the shrine and the Four Sacred Mountains can't go back, where are we going now?" Mad Tiger Beast asked, "With the power of Emperor Tongtian and the others, no matter where we hide, they will definitely be able to find us. "

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