The middle-aged man responded and rushed forward immediately. Leng Xuan followed step by step, and after a while, more than a dozen immortals appeared in his sight. At this moment, those immortals are surrounding the people in the middle, talking about something there, their faces are excited, and their emotions are very high. Leng Xuan raised his head and glanced twice, his expression suddenly changed, he lowered his head quickly, and turned to walk back to the original road.

   "Damn, why is he!" After seeing the man in the center, Leng Xuan was very surprised. He always thought that the person might be dead, but he didn't expect him to be alive, "Gorefiend, he's not dead yet." Leng Xuan frowned secretly, fortunately he followed along, otherwise, there would not be such a major discovery. . Gorefiend appeared here, and he also became the leader of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, indicating that he was also taken away by those wandering souls and gained a powerful strength.

   "Why are these guys so lucky." Leng Xuan was very helpless. His enemies have become stronger because of those wandering spirits, while his friends are still the same. "No, I can't let him continue." Leng Xuan thought to himself. He knew exactly who the Gorefiend was. Now that he has formidable strength, his ambitions are bound to expand, and he may become another demon emperor, even crazier than the demon emperor. This is not good news for him. Moreover, the hatred between him and the Gorefiend is there, if the other party knows his identity, he will definitely be his enemy. Therefore, he must take advantage of the other party's rise and clean up him.

  Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, turned around again and walked back. With his current strength, if he uses all the means and kills the Gorefiend under the protection of everyone, there should be no big problem.

   However, when he walked to the previous place, he saw that the Gorefiend and others were no longer there. "Where's the man?" He accelerated and ran along the passage, but he still didn't see the Gorefiend.

   "Who are you looking for?" At this moment, a voice came from behind. Leng Xuan turned his head to look, it was the middle-aged man just now, "Blood... The leader of the alliance, I have something to do with him."

   "The leader has returned to his room. If you have anything to do, tell me directly, and I will report to the leader."

   "Go back to the room?" Leng Xuan thought, this is a good opportunity, only the Gorefiend is there, it is suitable for him to do it. Thinking of this, he said, "The situation is a little urgent. I have to report it in person. Please take me there to meet you." Hearing this, the middle-aged man nodded and said, "Okay, come with me." Along the passage, the two walked more than 20 meters and came to a closed stone house. The middle-aged man said in a respectful voice: "Alliance leader, there is a disciple who asked to see him and said that he has something important to report." The voice fell, and a voice immediately came from the stone house: "Come in." The middle-aged man made a gesture to Leng Xuan. winking, signaling him to go in.

   Seeing this, Leng Xuan took a deep breath and slowly pushed open the tightly closed stone door. When the stone gate opened, the blood light flickered. Immediately afterwards, Leng Xuan only felt a powerful force rushing out of the house. This sudden change gave him no chance to even react. For a time, he only felt a strong pain coming from his body, and his body flew backwards uncontrollably. "Bang!" But hearing a loud noise, Leng Xuan's body was immediately buried by a pile of rubble.

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