Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8473: hand over to the shrine 3

   While speaking, Leng Xuan saw Qi Chen standing not far away, waiting for his arrival. After the two sides met, Qi Chen gave Rowling a wink. The latter understood and immediately retreated. Before leaving, she glanced at Leng Xuan, instructing him to be more careful. "Come with me." Qi Chen said. Following Qi Chen, Leng Xuan passed through the main hall of the shrine and came to the apse.

   Not long after, the two of them came to a palace. "This is the residence of King Qingye." After speaking, Qi Chen walked forward, bowed and said, "Qi Chen brought Leng Xuan to ask for a meeting." As his voice fell, the gate of the palace slowly opened, and then , a slender woman came out from inside. The woman was wearing a black dress, with a black veil covering her face, so she couldn't see her face clearly, and the pair of eyes that appeared outside were dull and dull, as if there was no soul, giving people a very strange feeling. The woman walked to Leng Xuan, took a closer look, and said in a flat tone, "Come with me. Commander Qi can go back."

   Qi Chen responded, hunched over, and slowly stepped back. After he left, Leng Xuan followed the woman into the palace. As soon as he entered the palace, Leng Xuan smelled a faint fragrance, and in the center of the palace, there was a person standing, it was King Qingye. However, the other party turned his back on him. Looking at King Aoba's back, for some reason, Leng Xuan could feel the chill radiating from her body.

   "In Xia Lengxuan, I saw King Aoba." Leng Xuan cupped his hands and greeted. As soon as he comes, he will be calm. At this moment, Leng Xuan is inevitably a little nervous in his heart, but on the surface he looks calm and composed.

   "I know who you are, the murderer of my second brother." Came the cold voice of King Aoba. Immediately, she slowly turned around and pointed a pair of cold eyes at Leng Xuan, "Your courage is really not small, you dare to come here, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

  Leng Xuan smiled indifferently and said, "I always believed that there are no permanent enemies in this world, only permanent interests. Now, your goals and mine are exactly the same, so I don't think you will kill me."

Green Leaf King said coldly: "Do you think I need your help to be able to deal with Hunyuan and Tongtian?" Leng Xuan said: "I don't think, it's a fact, now the three kings of God's Domain have fallen to two people, you alone Man, how can I fight with the two of them? It just so happens that Emperor Hunyuan and Emperor Tongtian are both my enemies. As long as you nod your head, we can join forces to deal with them."

   "Joining forces?" King Aoba said indifferently, "Are you qualified to join forces with me? Let's not talk about this, even if you have enough strength, do you think... I must fight them?"

   "Don't you plan to take revenge?" Leng Xuan asked rhetorically. To his surprise, King Aoba nodded, "I never thought of avenging them, let alone fighting for power with others. For me, power is like a cloud, and I don't care about it at all. ." Leng Xuan was stunned, he thought of thousands of words to deal with King Green Leaf, but at this moment, he was at a loss for words, because he never thought that King Green Leaf would say such a thing.

"Do you think it's strange?" King Qingye walked to his side, "I have a relationship with him, and now one of them was killed by you and the other was beheaded by Hunyuan. Brother and sister, why don't I avenge both of them?"

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