However, another moment passed, and still no one came back. Just as the anger on King Xiaoyao's face was beginning to show, and when it was about to explode, a person suddenly flew in not far away. Yin Jie looked up and said, "It's Commander Qi, eh? Why is he the only one who came back, what about the others?" While speaking, Qi Chen had already rushed to the front of the crowd. Only at this moment did everyone realize that Qi Chen's body was covered with scars, his face was pale, and he was obviously seriously injured.

   "What's going on?" King Xiaoyao said solemnly. "Yes... it's the Great Emperor Tongtian!" Qi Chen said out of breath, "After we entered the mountains, they were discovered by their people. Fortunately, someone arrived later and helped me break out, but they were all trapped. Stay." Yin Jie hurriedly asked: "Where are the people?" Qi Chen said: "The Great Emperor Tongtian is over there, and the Great Emperor Hunyuan is on the other side. They want to attack us from both sides when we are not prepared."

"Double-sided attack?" King Xiaoyao snorted coldly, turned to look at King Qingye next to him, and said, "Third sister, you and Qi Chen will take a team over there to deal with Tongtian, and Yin Jie will go with me to deal with the gangster. Yuan. This time, I will definitely kill them." King Qingye nodded, without saying a word, he directly moved his body and galloped towards the direction Qi Chen said. After they left, King Xiaoyao also took Yin Jie to the place where Emperor Hunyuan was.

   "Come on!" Leng Xuan, who had been hiding in the cracks of the stone, heard the sound of breaking the sky above his head, and quickly looked up. When he saw that the person who came was King Xiaoyao, his expression changed suddenly, "How could he be here?"

   "What's wrong?" asked Prison Valley on the side. "It seems that our luck is not very good this time." Leng Xuan shook his head helplessly. Hearing this, Prison Valley asked, "Then should we continue to implement our plan?"

   "Of course we have to continue, we have to spend such a huge price, we can't give up halfway." Leng Xuan said. He thought it would be King Qingye, but what he didn't expect was King Xiaoyao. However, although it was beyond his expectations, he had already thought of this possibility when planning the action, "Now we can only hope that his side will succeed." At the same time, on the other side of the mountain, Aoba Wang and Qi Chen took hundreds of divine generals and galloped quickly between the mountain peaks.

   "Where are they?" King Aoba asked. Qi Chen's eyes swept away, and he stretched out his hand and said, "Over there." After hearing this, King Qingye turned his head, and saw a large group of people appearing in the sky in the northeast, and the person headed was the Great Emperor Tongtian. "Do it!" The icy voice spit out softly, and the Qingye King urged his body to move at a speed like electricity, rushing directly to the Great Emperor Tongtian. However, when hundreds of gods attacked Qi Chen, Qi Chen took advantage of no one to notice him, and secretly galloped down the mountain range. There, there is a cave. Entering the cave, someone rushed out immediately, "Brother Qi, how is it, has it been done?"

   "King Xiaoyao and the others have been fooled." Qi Chen sighed. He had been tense just now, but now he finally relaxed, "I hope Leng Xuan's plan will succeed."

   "Leng Xuan, the Great Emperor Tongtian and King Qingye have already fought, should we act as well?" At this time, Feng Lie rushed over and asked. Leng Xuan nodded, "Let's do it." As his voice fell, everyone who had been hiding around the mountain flew out one after another, facing the King of Free and Easy in mid-air.

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