"Why haven't you come yet!" As soon as the thought in his mind started, he heard a loud 'bang' in his ears. He opened his eyes with some difficulty, and suddenly, his eyes were fiery red.

   In that fiery red, a huge flamingo soared into the sky, hovering in mid-air, making sharp calls from time to time. Immediately, the flaming bird opened its mouth, and a group of hot flames spewed out, falling from the sky, covering Leng Xuan's body. Not only him, but also the surrounding demon spirits were also surrounded. Under the scorching flames, Leng Xuan did not feel any pain. On the contrary, those demon spirits screamed from time to time in the flames. Moreover, under the burning of the flames, their bodies gradually shrank, and like ice cubes, they began to melt little by little.

   At the same time, Leng Xuan found that a pure force appeared around him. That power seems to be an unowned thing, floating around him. Seeing this, he didn't think much about it, and immediately activated the anti-sky art in his body to absorb all the power into his body. With the absorption of that pure power, Leng Xuan only felt that his dantian was filling up quickly, and the force of the powerful source circulated throughout his body. "This is the power of the soul?" Leng Xuan thought to himself.

   It is no wonder that the three kings of the God Realm want to destroy the lives of other worlds and absorb the power of their souls. This power is indeed powerful enough. The bodies of those demon spirits are composed of the power of the soul. After they die, the power of the soul in the body dissipates immediately. As the power of these souls poured into Leng Xuan's body, he felt that his dantian began to swell, and he had reached the bottleneck of breakthrough. He took a deep breath, sank his mind into his dantian, put aside distracting thoughts, and ran the Heaven Defying Art with all his strength. He didn't want to miss such a good opportunity. Time passed slowly, and I don't know how long it took. When Leng Xuan woke up again, he found himself lying in a wooden house.

   And this wooden house is where Iwamatsu used to live. "Xuejiu, Xiaojie..." Turning his head, Leng Xuan saw Ling Xuejie and Li Mengjie beside the bed at a glance. The two women were standing beside the bed, looking at him worriedly. Seeing him wake up, a smile appeared on the faces of the two girls. "You woke up, how are you feeling?" Ling Xuejiu asked with concern. "Fortunately..." As soon as the words came out, Leng Xuan immediately discovered that his dantian was filled with a powerful force. However, although the strength has improved, it has not broken through the current bottleneck. "It's strange, how could it be?" He was a little puzzled. Chiwu didn't say that the power of the soul contained in the demon spirit's body is very powerful. If it can be absorbed, You can definitely improve your cultivation. But the current situation seems to deviate from what he said. At this moment, Chiwu came in from outside the house.

   At this moment, Leng Xuan asked his doubts. "It's nothing strange." Chi Wu said, "When Leng Er came to report the letter, it just so happened that this girl had successfully cultivated the phoenix return technique. Although the demon spirit is powerful, the immortal fire of the phoenix is ​​its nemesis. In the same way, when the fire of immortality kills them, it also burns part of the power of the soul, so the power of the soul that you really absorb into your body is not much. Otherwise, there are so many demon spirits, all Let you absorb it all by yourself, let alone break through the Great Luo Jinxian, even if you can't reach the cultivation level of the Demon Emperor, it will not be far behind.

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