Now I can only hope that my King Kong body is strong enough.

  I saw the scorpion beast flashed and disappeared from the spot again. At this moment, Leng Xuan had already given up the idea of ​​resisting, because he knew very well that no matter what he did, he would not be able to predict the attack of the beast. The only thing he can rely on is his own body. "Bang!" There was a loud noise, and Leng Xuan's body was knocked out again. After getting up, Leng Xuan immediately checked his body. He found that there were many white marks on his chest. Although he was not pierced, he could still feel the piercing pain. The pain has not disappeared, and the next wave of the beast's attack has come again.

   This time, Leng Xuan concentrated all his strength on his chest, strengthened the hardness of the front of his body, and fought back with the power of the King Kong. However, what he didn't expect was that the scorpion's attack did not come from the front, but from the back. After the relatively weak back was hit by a strong force, Leng Xuan only felt a sweetness in his throat, and a stream of blood suddenly spit out from his mouth. After several attacks in a row, Leng Xuan's body was already shaky, as if he would fall down at any time.

   "The Heaven-Defying Sword Array, imprisoning the world!" Seeing the scorpion beast falling not far in front of him, Leng Xuan immediately summoned the Heaven-Defying Sword Array, wanting to trap the opponent inside. However, before the Heaven-Defying Sword Formation took shape, the scorpion beast had already left the sword formation swiftly. "Bang!" There was another loud noise, and before Leng Xuan could fully deploy the Heaven-Defying Sword Formation, he was knocked out by the beast and fell heavily to the ground.

   spitting out **** spit, Leng Xuan struggled to stand up, gasping for breath. At this moment, after so long of perseverance, the time limit for the body of King Kong has been reached. "Leng Xuan!" Looking at the injured Leng Xuan, the two women's faces were full of worry. Li Mengjie bit her silver teeth and was ready to help, but Leng Xuan reached out a hand to stop her, "Don't come here, I have a way to deal with it." After he finished speaking, he stared at the beast on the opposite side, hooked. Hooking his hands, he said, "Come again, let's see how far you can push me." The scorpion seemed to understand his words, and with a movement, it disappeared from the spot again.

   "Bang! Bang! Bang!" After several blows, Leng Xuan's body sometimes flew up in the cave, and sometimes fell, and Ling Xuejiu and Li Mengjie couldn't bear to look directly. "Bah!" Leng Xuan spat out a mouthful of blood, endured the pain in his body, and stood up slowly. At this moment, after continuous attacks, his body has reached the limit, and he will soon be unable to hold on. He cheered up and looked at the scorpion beast not far away, a strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   "You've been bullying for so long, and it's my turn." As soon as he finished speaking, he made a seal with his hands and spit out the word 'knot' in his mouth. Suddenly, I saw a splendid light blooming in the cave, almost covering the cave. And the scorpion beast was trapped in the light. Seeing this, the beast roared, and immediately moved its limbs, rushing towards Leng Xuan. However, when he rushed to Leng Xuan, he heard a 'bang', and a powerful force bounced it back directly. Looking at the layer of enchantment that appeared in front of him, Leng Xuan smiled and said, "Do you think the wounds on my body are all in vain?"

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