said, a powerful momentum surged out of the other party, overwhelming the three of them towards Leng Xuan. Under the pressure, Leng Xuan's expression remained unchanged: "Senior, I said that I can exchange it with other things, and I hope that the senior can fulfill us." The old man said coldly: "It seems that we have nothing to say. ." The voice fell, and I saw his figure move, and he rushed towards Leng Xuan. Seeing this, Leng Xuan tapped his toes and led Li Mengjie and Ling Xuejiu back several dozen meters, widening the distance between the two. Although he was here to find Phoenix Soul, he did not want to deal with it by force. Moreover, once the two sides tore their faces, it will not benefit anyone.

   "Leng Xuan." At this moment, Ling Xuejiu said, "Maybe he really doesn't." Hearing this, Leng Xuan secretly sighed, this was his biggest worry. The attitude of the old man in front of him was too tough, and judging from the expression on his face, it didn't seem like he was lying. However, this is the only opportunity at the moment, it has come, and he naturally doesn't want to give up so easily. "Get out!" Seeing the old man rushing towards him again, Leng Xuan said, "You two get out of the way first." As he spoke, he threw Ling Xuejie and Li Mengjie behind him, and flew towards them. . "Bang!" But when he heard a loud noise, Leng Xuan took the opponent's move, and suddenly felt his mouth go numb, and a strong force rushed in, almost pushing him out.

   "Senior..." Leng Xuan still wanted to try to negotiate with the other party, but the old man didn't give him a chance to speak. The continuous offensive was like a flood, and it was out of control, leaving Leng Xuan so exhausted that he could not even speak.

   "Bang!" There was another loud noise, and Leng Xuan's body was knocked back again. "Still unwilling to leave?" The old man looked at Leng Xuan coldly and said solemnly. "Senior... offended!" Leng Xuan's sleeve robe shook, his figure flashed, turned into a streamer, and rushed towards the other party. "Chiwu!" Suddenly, two words came out of his mouth. Immediately, a dark purple light burst out from his body, condensed into a generous sword, and fell into his hands.

   "Heaven-defying sword formation, Zhu Xian!" As his voice fell, four swords flashed in the sky, which were the Heaven-Breaking Sword, the Heaven-Shattering Sword, the Heaven-Shocking Sword, and the Sky-Cultivating Sword. Four swords fell from the sky and landed around the old man, trapping him in the center. "Form a formation!" Leng Xuan's mind moved, and the four swords immediately burst into four dazzling rays of light, connecting with each other to form a cage, trapping the old man inside.

   Seeing this, the old man's face turned cold, his hands were sealed, and there were words in his mouth. Suddenly, the surrounding spiritual energy began to pour into the enchantment frantically. Feeling that the fluctuations of the Heaven-Defying Sword Formation became stronger and stronger, Leng Xuan's heart sank. The strength of the old man is indeed strong, even the Heaven Defying Sword Formation cannot trap him. Seeing that the anti-sky sword formation was about to be destroyed by the opponent, Leng Xuan didn't think much, and immediately threw the Chiwu sword in his hand.

   When Chiwujian joined in, a dark purple flame rushed towards the barrier formed by the anti-sky sword formation. In the blink of an eye, the old man's body was engulfed by dark purple flames. After about tens of seconds, the dark purple flames began to disappear. At the same time, the figure of the old man also appeared in Leng Xuan's eyes.

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