Emperor Tongtian sneered: "It's not too late to know now." As he said that, he moved, and the blood demon behind him immediately followed him and pressed forward.

   However, before Emperor Tongtian rushed to the front of King Xiaoyao and King Anqing, a woman had already stepped aside and blocked his way. "King Qingye?" Emperor Tongtian was a little surprised when he saw the woman, and then snorted coldly and moved his hands. The blood demon behind him immediately turned into a ray of blood and charged towards King Qingye.

   "Ye!" Facing the attack of the blood demon, King Aoba stood motionless in the air, seemingly ignoring the opponent's attack. With the sound of the words spit out from her mouth, many autumn leaves suddenly appeared in the sky. "Ding!" When the second word was spit out, the autumn leaves that filled the sky quickly condensed together, forming chains after chains, hitting the blood demon's body. Those chains fell on the blood demon, and immediately wrapped it tightly. At this moment, the blood demon was less than two meters away from King Qingye. However, when the distance was shortened to one meter, the blood demon could no longer move forward.

   Dozens of chains are wrapped around its body, restricting all its movements. "It's interesting." The Great Emperor Tongtian narrowed his eyes, "I felt that among the three kings of the God Realm, your strength should be the strongest. It seems that my guess is correct. Since your strength is so strong, why are you willing to take the third place? With your ability, you can completely kill the two above you and enjoy the power of the immortal world."

   "I have no intention to fight for power." King Aoba said lightly, just like her expression, there was no fluctuation, like stagnant water. "No intention to fight for power?" The Great Emperor Tongtian laughed coldly, "This is the funniest joke I've ever heard. If you have no intention to fight for power, why did you unite the two of them to **** the dominion of the Immortal Realm? Without the slightest desire for power, then you would not be here now and be my enemy."

   "There are some things that you don't need to know." King Aoba's tone was still cold. At the same time, she slowly raised her jade hand and tapped towards the blood demon in front of her. Immediately, the chains condensed from autumn leaves were all submerged in the blood demon's body. Then, just listening to a loud 'bang', the blood demon exploded directly from it, turned into a pile of blood, and disappeared into the air.

   "Hun Yuan, are you still unwilling to take action?" The Great Emperor Tongtian glanced at the Demon Emperor not far away. Hearing this, the Demon Emperor's sleeve robe shook, and rays of light appeared all over his body. Seeing this, King Xiaoyao gave King Anqing away from a **** beside him to support him, and went up alone. But when the Demon Emperor raised his hand, several bright lights shot up into the sky and flew into the clouds. After that, several beams of light descended from the sky and landed around the King of Free and Easy. The latter glanced around and snorted coldly: "The great formation of the heavens? Hunyuan, do you think you can deal with me with this formation?" The demon emperor didn't say a word, and moved his hands again. This time, there are still a few bright lights flying out.

As the following beams of light fell, King Xiaoyao's expression finally changed, "The Great Array? This is impossible! How could you create the Great Array!" The Demon Emperor said lightly: "There is nothing impossible. Form an array! "With a light spit, the Great Array of All Heavens and the Great Array of Mitian opened at the same time. The two formations merged into one, immediately trapping King Xiaoyao in the center.

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