For a time, the cave was filled with four extremely strong auras. The mad tiger beast closed its eyes tightly, controlling the power of the source within its body, trying to connect with the white inner alchemy. However, several times in a row, the power of the source he controlled was repelled by the white inner alchemy. Not just him, but others as well. But the four did not give up because of this, but continued to try.

   Time passed by, Leng Xuan watched quietly, feeling a little nervous. At the same time, in the realm of the gods, a hundred miles away from the shrine, the demon emperor stood on the top of a mountain with hundreds of Yin Yuandian disciples. Not long after, I saw a large group of people galloping from the sky in the distance, and the leader of them was the Great Emperor Tongtian. "You thought you weren't coming." Looking at the approaching Emperor Tongtian, the demon emperor slowly opened his mouth. "How can I not participate in such a big event." The Great Emperor Tongtian replied casually and asked, "Are you sure there is a way to find that formation?" The Demon Emperor nodded and said indifferently, "When did I lie to you? you."

"I heard that the immortal beast you chased last time didn't mix with Leng Xuan? Since that immortal beast knows where the formation is, why don't we go directly to Leng Xuan, he must also know that The whereabouts of the seat formation."

"Leng Xuan..." The Demon Emperor said with a half-smile, "He suffered so much in our hands, do you think he has not grown at all? That kid is very shrewd and won't let us find it easily. Besides, Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. If you catch Leng Xuan, you will take his body. For now, I won't allow you to do that." The Great Emperor Tongtian snorted coldly, "You still follow him. Be careful as before. Come on, tell me, what are your plans this time?" The demon emperor said: "I bought a few people, and they will help us secretly. At that time, you and I just have to force the three kings of the God Realm to use that formation. The law will do.”

   "This is no problem." Emperor Tongtian responded. Yin Yuandian, Taolongzong, two major forces, and hundreds of disciples, under the leadership of the Great Emperor Tongtian and the Demon Emperor, marched mightily towards the shrine. Not long after, a group of people arrived near the shrine. Their appearance quickly attracted the attention of the shrine. With the sound of a bell resounding through the heavens and the earth, nearly a thousand gods will file out of the shrine and guard outside the shrine to confront Yin Yuandian and the disciples of Taolongzong from a distance. "Why, our brothers are here, don't the three show up to greet them?" The Great Emperor Tongtian said, his voice echoing in the sky for a long time.

"Hunyuan, Tongtian, you are so courageous. We haven't gone to you yet, but you have come to our door. Do you really think we are afraid?" With a voice containing anger, the three kings of the Divine Realm came from the gods. The top of the palace flew out and stood upright in the air, staring at the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian with cold eyes. "Xiaoyao, our grievances and grievances for many years should be ended today." The Demon Emperor said lightly.

   "Finished?" King Anqing laughed, "Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you today." When he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, and a golden spear immediately appeared in his hand, "The disciples of the shrine obey the order, kill!"

As soon as   's words fell, King Anqing rushed out first, followed by nearly a thousand generals, rushing towards the camp of Yin Yuandian and Taolongzong.

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