Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8421: The Four Saints Gather 4

  Because they knew that if they didn't destroy that formation, they would never have the chance to deal with the three kings of God's Domain. "Leng Xuan thought for a while, and said: "If this is the case, then we should give up this action. "

"Give up?" Crazy Tiger Beast asked, "Why?" Leng Xuan said: "In terms of overall strength, the three kings of the God Realm must be a bit stronger than the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian. What's more, the current Great Emperor Tongtian still can't put himself 100% of their strength is exerted. Therefore, even if the two of them cooperate, it will be difficult to defeat the three kings of God's Domain. This is also the reason why the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian have not started, because they know very well that with their current strength, they can't be shaken. The three kings of the gods. However, if any of the three kings of the gods are damaged, their strengths will be almost the same. At that time, the demon emperor and the Tongtian emperor will definitely not miss such a good opportunity."

Feng Lie seemed to understand: "What do you mean... let's deal with the three kings of the gods?" Leng Xuan nodded and said, "Exactly. After all, the three kings of the gods have ruled the fairyland for so many years, and their strength should not be underestimated. Therefore, let's find a way first. Weakening the strength of the three kings of God's Domain, and then let them fight. At that time, both of them will be almost exhausted, and if we make another move, we can take the initiative."

"It makes sense." Chongming on the side agreed, "What are you going to do?" Leng Xuan said: "The Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian don't know where the formation of the Three Kings of the God Realm is, but we know. Let's wait and see. , to see if the three kings of the gods will appear there." Zhongming replied, "Okay, I'll take you there." The formation set up by the three kings of the gods was not far from the lake where Zhongming used to live. After the group arrived at God's Domain, it didn't take long before they came to the surrounding mountains. "The formation is in the mountain, come with me." With that said, Zhongming led the crowd and found a relatively secret cave.

   After entering from the cave, they found that the cave had been sealed by scattered stones. Feng Lie said: "Why is this place destroyed?" Zhong Ming said: "Last time I was discovered by the three kings of the God's Domain, they must have checked the surrounding area and destroyed all possible passages to that secret cave. "Leng Xuan frowned and said, "Then what should we do?" If they couldn't get into that secret cave, they couldn't carry out the plan.

"Don't worry." Zhongming said, "Didn't I tell you before, this was originally Gong Liang's residence, and inside these peaks, there are passages connecting each other, some of which are very secret, unless someone in the know , otherwise, the three kings of the Divine Realm will not be able to find out." When the words fell, he took the crowd and moved to the other side of the mountain. There, there are a lot of boulders scattered. Chongming removed one of the boulders, and a hole leading to the ground immediately appeared in front of everyone's eyes. "Go, go in." Following Zhongming, Leng Xuan descended into the passage one after another. As he walked, Zhongming said: "This passage is at the bottom of the mountain, tens of meters deep. When Gong Liang lived here, he was worried that Han Yong would find him here, so he specially prepared a secret passage to facilitate his escape. . This secret passage connects several mountain peaks and leads to various places."

   Not long after, they came to a section in the middle of the dark passage.

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