"Let's look for each other separately, there must be an entrance here." Feng Lie said. Leng Xuan nodded and flew towards the other end of Sunset Mountain. However, because the surface of the mountain was covered by flames, it was very difficult for them to find it. After working for a long time, the two did not find the entrance to the interior of the mountain.

   "Leng Xianyou." At this moment, a faint and familiar voice came from afar. Leng Xuan turned his head and saw that Yang Huan was coming here with a group of immortal beasts.

   "Senior Yang, why are you here?"

  Yang Huan said: "The owner of the valley is worried that your manpower is not enough, so he asked me to come to assist you. How is it, is there any gain?"

  Leng Xuan shook his head and said, "I haven't found it yet."

Leng Xuan looked at the sea of ​​​​fire on the sunset mountain and said: "This flame covers the mountain, and it is difficult to find the whereabouts of Han Yong." Hearing this, Yang Huan said: "This is simple, leave it to me to deal with it." Said Then, he returned to the immortal beasts behind him, not knowing what he was arranging. Not long after, I saw more than a dozen giant immortal beasts flying out and surrounding Sunset Mountain.

   Immediately afterwards, I saw those fairy beasts display their abilities one by one. Immediately, cold air surged from all sides, and in the sky, countless ice cones appeared and took shape, flying towards Sunset Mountain. As the ice cone fell, the flames on the surface of Sunset Mountain immediately weakened a lot, and the temperature also dropped. Seeing that the flames began to weaken, Leng Xuan immediately greeted Yang Huan and rushed over with other immortal beasts. Without those flames blocking them, it didn't take much time for Leng Xuan and the others to find a passage leading to the interior of the mountain. As Leng Xuan expected, the entrance to the passage was blocked by the flames outside, making it difficult to detect with the naked eye.

   Walking into the entrance, Feng Lie took the lead, Leng Xuan was in the middle, and Yang Huan followed behind with more than ten immortal beasts. The crowd seemed to have penetrated nearly 100 meters into the passage, and Leng Xuan immediately noticed that the surrounding temperature had suddenly dropped sharply, and the whole body was chilled. Not only that, but also a thick layer of ice condensed on both sides of the passage. "The ice and fire are actually in the same place." Leng Xuan secretly marveled. On the outside of Sunset Mountain, the flames were raging, but inside, it was cold. Before, he was still wondering, since Han Yong practiced the yin cultivation method, why he chose this place to live, it turned out to be for this reason. Entering the interior of the mountain, the chill is even more intense.

  Leng Xuan walked cautiously, his eyes turned, searching for Han Yong's whereabouts. Suddenly, a sneering voice suddenly entered the ears of everyone: "You guys are here very fast." Hearing the voice, Leng Xuan immediately recognized that it was Han Yong.

   "Han Yong, your conspiracy has been seen through, come out quickly." Leng Xuan said solemnly. "Come out?" Han Yong smiled coldly and said in a gloomy voice, "If you have the skills, come to me." As his voice fell, Leng Xuan was surprised to find that the passage they had entered before had actually condensed into a The ice was blocked, and the exit was blocked. "You go to arrest people, I will ensure the smooth exit." Yang Huan said. Hearing this, Leng Xuan and Feng Lie responded, and immediately moved their bodies to continue to go deeper. However, the two rushed to the end without seeing Han Yong appear. "Where's the person?" Feng Lie frowned and looked around, but there were icy stones and nothing around.

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