Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8409: True and false Gongliang 4

  Beads were in hand, Gong Liang didn't say a word, turned around and left the cave immediately, and there was a hint of splendid brilliance in his dazed eyes.

After    came out of the cave, Leng Xuan and Prison Valley did not return to their residence, but came to the place where the alien beast was imprisoned. When they got there, Yang Huan was already waiting there. "Gu Master, Leng Xianyou." Leng Xuan nodded at him, then turned his eyes to the alien beast in the cage. I saw the alien beast lying on the ground, its body shaking slightly. "How long has he been awake?" Prison Valley asked. Yang Huan said: "It's been a while, and I think his injury seems to have improved. After waking up this time, he didn't continue to pass out." Hearing this, Prison Gu and Leng Xuan opened the cage and walked in.

   Seeing the two of them come in, the eyes of the beast immediately fell on them. "Save...Save me..." Hearing the voice in his head, Leng Xuan looked at the alien beast and said, "It's okay to save you, but it depends on whether you're worthy of your cooperation. What's your name?"

"I... My name is Gong Liang..." Hearing this, Leng Xuan and Prison Valley looked at each other, frowning at the same time: "At this point, you still refuse to tell the truth? Don't think I don't know, you It's called Han Yong, and it is the opponent of Senior Gong Liang." As soon as these words came out, the strange beast shook his head with difficulty and said, "No, have been deceived, I...I am the real Gongliang. , the one who invaded my body is Han Yong."

   "This..." Leng Xuan was startled and turned to look at Prison Valley. Although he didn't quite believe what the other party said, if what he said was true, then things would be troublesome.

"Yang Huan, go and call Chongming right away." Prison Gu squinted and said slowly: "With Chongming here, it's easy to determine his identity." Under Yang Huan's summons, Chongming quickly rushed over. to the cave. After listening to Leng Xuan's remarks, Zhongming looked at the strange beast in front of him in disbelief, and shook his head vigorously: "This is impossible."

   However, as soon as the words came out, his expression changed immediately, looking at his appearance, it seemed that the other party was communicating with him again. Seeing that Zhongming's expression gradually changed from dull to solemn, Leng Xuan and Prison Valley immediately had a bad feeling. "Something has happened." After a while, Zhongming turned his head and said solemnly.

   Hearing the words, Leng Xuan did not hesitate, immediately unfolded his body, and quickly galloped out of the cave, heading straight for Gong Liang's residence. However, when he arrived, he saw that the spacious cave was empty and no one was there. "Where's the people?" Chongming and Prison Valley who came from behind asked in unison.

   "Let's go." Leng Xuan frowned and quickly called Feng Lie over. After inquiring about the surrounding immortal beasts, everyone knew that not long ago, Gong Liang had left first and did not know where to go. "I've been fooled." Chongming slapped his thigh and shouted unwillingly. "What should I do now?" At this moment, Feng Lie's expression was ugly.

"There must be something wrong with the cyan bead he gave you." Prison Gu said, "The way the mad tiger has become, it is probably directly related to him, maybe he has already planned it." It's my fault, I thought he was really my friend, but I didn't expect..."

   "Okay, I don't blame you for this, no one thought that such a thing would happen." After that, Prison Valley asked, "What did Gong Liang tell you just now?"

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