Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8407: True and False Gong Liang 2

   At this moment, in that cave, not only Prison Valley, Feng Lie and Chong Ming were both there, and the three of them were talking to Gong Liang. Leng Xuan walked over and listened to the conversation of the three, and only then did he realize that they were discussing how to save the mad tiger beast. "Leng Xuan, you came just in time. Let's brainstorm and see if you have any suggestions." Prison Gu said.

  Leng Xuan said: "I do have a way." After speaking, Leng Xuan told his previous thoughts.

After listening, Feng Lie nodded and said: "It makes sense, I think this method is worth trying." Prison Valley echoed: "Indeed, as long as we can find a kind of power that can act as a neutralizer to smash the madness in the wild tiger beast. Combining all the powers together can not only treat his injuries, but also improve his strength. Gong Liang, Zhongming told us about your situation, he said, your previous situation is also similar to that of the mad tiger beast. The same, however, your luck is better, let all the power in your body become one. If possible, I hope you can lend some of your power so that we can save the mad tiger."

"Senior Prison Valley is too polite." Gong Liang said, "If you hadn't discovered me in time and offered to help, I would still be trapped under the ice and couldn't escape. The kindness of saving my life cannot be repaid, so, a few I will do my best to fulfill your request." After a pause, he continued: "Well, I will separate a part of the power in my body, and then you will inject it into the body of Crazy Tiger and see if it has any effect. ."

   "Okay, that's troublesome." Feng Lie said. He was the earliest acquaintance with Crazy Tiger Beast, and the relationship between the two was relatively deep. Among the people present, only he and Leng Xuan were most concerned about the safety of the mad tiger beast. Seeing that Gong Liang was willing to help, Leng Xuan was relieved. Next, is to see the effect.

   Gong Liang said he did what he did, and in less than half a day, he handed a cyan bead into Fenglie's hand. In that cyan bead, there is the power of Gong Liang's mutated origin. Feng Lie carefully took the cyan bead, and immediately rushed Leng Xuan to the cave where the mad tiger beast was.

   came to the mad tiger beast, Feng Lie stepped forward and put the cyan bead on the mad tiger beast. Immediately, I saw the blue beads emitting a dazzling light. Immediately afterwards, that light fell on the body of the mad tiger beast and penetrated into his body little by little. Seeing this, both Leng Xuan and Feng Lie nervously looked at the mad tiger beast, not knowing what would happen. Not long after, Prison Valley and Chongming also rushed over. The four of them surrounded the mad tiger beast, waiting quietly.

   As time passed, the Mad Tiger Beast remained the same. Under the effect of Ning Xincao, the mad tiger beast was still in a coma.

"Why haven't you responded yet?" Feng Lie frowned, "Could it be that there is no effect?" Leng Xuan said, "Don't worry, just take a look first, maybe the effect won't show up so quickly." After falling, he saw the wild tiger beast's eyes suddenly open. Afterwards, the mad tiger beast jumped up from the ground and looked at the four of them with red eyes. Feeling the powerful momentum bursting out from the other side, Leng Xuan and the four immediately backed away.

   "Crazy Tiger, it's me." Feng Lie tried to call out, but the Crazy Tiger Beast didn't respond. At this time, the mad tiger raised its front limbs and made a forward stance.

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