Leng Xuan exhaled secretly when he saw the fire coming from the entrance of the cave. Fortunately, they left early, otherwise, they would have been engulfed by the sea of ​​fire at this moment.

   As the immortal beasts retreated, Leng Xuan and Feng Lie were still guarding outside the cave. The matter of Chiwu is not over, and they still can't feel at ease.

  Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, half a day had passed. At this time, the flames in the cave began to weaken little by little. Seeing that the temperature in the cave had dropped a lot, Leng Xuan got up the courage and walked carefully into the cave. Returning to the depths of the cave again, Leng Xuan saw at a glance that there was a giant bird crawling on the flat ground. The giant bird radiated purple-gold flames all over its body, showing an aloof majesty invisibly.

   "Senior Chiwu." Leng Xuan called out. Suddenly, the giant bird slowly turned its head, and a pair of sharp eyes locked on him immediately. Being stared at by those cold eyes, Leng Xuan only felt cold all over his body, and a strong unease surged in his heart, "Is there nothing wrong?" He secretly said, raising his guard unconsciously.

   "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." At this moment, a voice sounded in his mind. "Senior Chiwu?" After recognizing the other party's voice, Leng Xuan immediately breathed a sigh of relief, he thought Chiwu had lost his mind like a mad tiger beast, and almost frightened him, "Senior Chiwu, how are you doing? ?"

   "Thanks to you." Chiwu replied, "The three flames have been successfully combined." After speaking, he raised his head high, spread his wings, and was majestic, like the king of birds and beasts, soaring to the sky and earth. On Chiwu's body, Leng Xuan felt an aura that was no weaker than that of a mad tiger. "Amazing." Leng Xuan exclaimed inwardly, "The bloodlines of the four holy beasts are really good. Once they are combined with the flesh, they are almost completely transformed."

   "Leng Xuan, go out first, I'm a little tired." Chi Wudao, "I will continue to retreat for a while to stabilize the power in my body."

   "Okay." Leng Xuan replied, "Senior, if you have anything to do, tell me directly, I will stay in the Four Sacred Mountains for a while." After that, he turned around and walked out of the cave. Now that Chiwu's matter has been settled, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief. After leaving the cave, Leng Xuan and Feng Lie met, and then he first talked about Chiwu's situation in general. Then, he changed the subject and asked, "By the way, Senior Feng, is there any progress on Gong Liang's side?"

   "I have to ask Chongming about this matter. During this time, he has been negotiating with Gong Liang, and only he knows the specific situation." After speaking, Feng Lie and Leng Xuan went straight to the place where Chongming lived. After the two explained their intentions, they only listened to Zhongming: "Although there is not much gain, I have convinced him that after a while, after his body recovers, he will assist us in treating the mad tiger beast." Leng Xuan pointed out Nodding, in fact, after the Chiwu incident this time, he already had a preliminary idea for the treatment of the mad tiger beast. The situation of the mad tiger beast is actually not much different from that of Chiwu. The only difference is that the two kinds of negative flames cannot be combined in Chiwu's body, while the mad tiger beast is because the types of power in its body are too complex, so led to the current situation.

  If he can find a kind of power that can act as a neutralizer and combine all the powers in the mad tiger beast, he may be able to save him.

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