Seeing this, his high-hanging heart finally let go. It seems that those waves are beneficial to Li Mengjie. This process lasted for more than half an hour before the light surrounding Li Mengjie dissipated. But at this moment, Li Mengjie groaned, and her eyelids twitched slightly when she heard the sound of '嘤'. Seeing this, Ling Xuejie immediately leaned over and whispered, "Xiaojie." Hearing her cry, Li Mengjie slowly opened her eyes, looked at Ling Xuejiu in front of her, and said, "Xuejie... I... where am I?" Ling Xuejiu smiled wryly, "Did you forget our previous experience?"

  Li Mengjie rubbed her brows and looked around, "This is... the temple, I... Hey, Leng Xuan, why are you here too?"

   "Why can't I be here?" Leng Xuan said, "The two of you sneaked out, and we were all worried to death, for fear that you would be in danger."

Li Mengjie said embarrassedly: "Didn't we leave a message for you? Besides, we are not doing well." Leng Xuan said helplessly: "Okay, don't talk about this, you can rest well first." Stayed in the temple for a while , the four of them went back to the manor and returned to the place where Li Gen lived.

   Back at the wooden house, Leng Xuan asked strangely, "How did you two know about Poison Dragon Pool?" This doubt has been lingering in his heart. Li Mengjie and Ling Xuejiu stayed in the Tianhuo Palace all the time and never went out. What's more, Du Longtan had never even heard of him, so how did the two of them know about it. Li Mengjie said: "We didn't know about the Poison Dragon Pond before. Then one day, when I was cultivating, a voice suddenly sounded in my mind, and the voice repeatedly mentioned Poison Dragon Pond. Driven by curiosity, Xue Ji and I decided to Go to the Poison Dragon Pool to check the situation." Leng Xuan said angrily, "You two are too careless, what if there is danger?"

Ling Xuejiu said softly: "Don't be angry, actually... Xiao Jie and I want to help you. We are low in strength and can't give you any help. This time may be an opportunity for us, so..." Listen At this point, Leng Xuan's heart softened and he sighed softly: "I know your good intentions, but if you have three strengths and two weaknesses, what should I do? You have to remember that your safety is my top priority. I I would rather be born and die outside myself than want anything to happen to you. If there is such a thing in the future, you must say hello to me first, otherwise... be careful I spank you."

  Li Mengjie's pretty face flushed, she spat softly, and said, "Rogue."

After the three of them had a joke, Leng Xuan said solemnly, "Xiao Jie, what has changed in your body now?" Li Mengjie thought about it carefully and said, "The strength has become much stronger, this should be the most obvious change. And...I found a lot of life seeds in my body."

   "Seeds of life?" Leng Xuan's heart was moved, and he immediately understood what the seeds of life she was talking about. It must be the light spots they saw. "Do you know how to use those seeds of life?"

Li Mengjie nodded and said: "It's very simple, as long as you cooperate with the holy lamp, you can transfer those life seeds into other people's bodies and cultivate them. Those born will have the blood of the ancient gods. In fact, the reason why the ancient gods want The Holy Maiden was chosen for a very simple reason.

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