Leng Xuan didn't understand why the other party suddenly mentioned this, but nodded anyway. Li Gen said: "Do you know why the environment there is so different from here? Because the bones of the ancient gods are buried there. As I said before, everyone of the ancient gods has cultivated. The Sacred Body of All Poisons. The Sacred Body of All Poisons can make every inch of the body's skin, every drop of blood, and every bone contain strong poison. Therefore, after they die, these poisons will gradually disappear from their bodies. It radiates from the body. You are right, there is no way, there is indeed one, but that way is impossible."

Leng Xuan asked: "What can I do?" Li Gen said: "I said that the gate of the temple can only be opened by the saints of the past dynasties and the patriarch of the ancient gods. Although they are all dead, their bones still exist. . If they can find their bones, the temple can be mistaken for them. Only in this way will the door of the temple be opened. Other than that, there is no other way." After a pause, he continued: "The reason why I Said, this method is impossible, because no one knows where the bones of the patriarch and the saint are. In that land, there are tens of thousands of bones of the ancient gods, and you can't find them."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan's heart suddenly froze. Indeed, as Li Gen said, this is impossible. Tens of thousands of corpses, even if he tried one by one, he didn't know how long it would take. Moreover, he still didn't know what was going on with Ling Xuejie and Li Mengjie in the temple. If the time is too long, it is estimated that their situation will be more dangerous. For a while, Leng Xuan didn't know what to do.

   At this moment, Leng Xuan suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something lying on the ground in the corner of the wooden house, but it was stained with a lot of dust, and it was impossible to tell what it was. Li Gen seemed to notice that Leng Xuan's eyes were falling on that thing, and he said, "That's the Xiling Mirror." Hearing this, Leng Xuan looked shocked and said, "Xiling Mirror?" In the story Li Gen just told, he mentioned When he arrived at the Xiling Mirror, he also marveled at the efficacy of the Xiling Mirror, which was able to see the past and predict the future. However, such a heaven-defying treasure was left in the corner by Li Gen, and it was covered with so much dust, it was a waste.

   Immediately, he walked quickly to the corner, picked up the Xiling mirror, and wiped the dust off it. Although this Xiling mirror has the effect of defying the sky, there is nothing strange in its appearance. "How to use this Xiling mirror?" Leng Xuan asked Li Gen, looking at him. "This is not something you can use." Li Gen said, "I advise you not to use it. Otherwise, the price you pay is not something you can afford." Hearing this, Leng Xuan asked curiously, "What price?"

   "I said that everything has to pay a price. With super strength, you lose the ability to nurture life. Predicting the future... What price do you think you have to pay to match its ability?"

   "This..." Hearing Li Gen's words, Leng Xuan couldn't help but ponder, thinking of Taoist Tongtian.

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