After entering the temple, Leng Xuan looked around, calling Ling Xuejie and Li Mengjie's names from time to time. However, the voices echoed in the empty temple, but no response was heard from them. "Where's the people?" Leng Xuan secretly wondered, since they entered the tower, they should be inside.

   Walking around the temple, Leng Xuan not only didn't see a single person, he didn't even see a thing, this so-called temple was completely empty. At this moment, Leng Xuan stopped, then took two steps back, and turned his eyes to a dark corner of the temple. There, he found a candle light. The candle lamp was covered with dust, and I don't know how long it had been left here. Leng Xuan walked over quickly, looked at it carefully, and then reached out and picked up the candle. However, when his hand touched the candle, a strange scene appeared. I saw a splendid light slowly overflowing from the candle lamp, covering Leng Xuan's body.

   Seeing this, Leng Xuan hurriedly threw the candle out. However, even so, that light still surrounded him and could not dissipate for a long time. After a while, Leng Xuan only felt his body sway, and his eyes were dark.

   I don't know how long this situation lasted, and there was only a ray of light in Leng Xuan's eyes. He opened his eyes, looked around, and found himself in an unfamiliar environment. "Holy lamp?" Leng Xuan's heart moved, remembering what Yang Lian had said. Could it be that... that candle lamp is the so-called holy lamp? If not, how could it have such a peculiar effect that brought him to this strange place.

   "Yes." Leng Xuan suddenly thought that since he was teleported here, Ling Xuejie and Li Mengjie were probably also in this place. Thinking of this, he immediately summoned Leng Er and the other two immortal puppets. He didn't know how big this place was. If he wanted to find Ling Xuejiu and Li Mengjie as soon as possible, he had to rely on Leng Er and them. Four people galloped away in four directions. Leng Xuan chose the south side and traveled for hundreds of kilometers all the way. He found that this place was beautiful and picturesque, but after walking so far, no life appeared. Moreover, judging from the feedback from Leng Er and the others, there was nothing to gain.

   After a while, Leng Xuan suddenly stopped and turned his eyes to the distance. Standing upright in the air, he clearly saw that ten miles away, there was a large piece of dead wood, the ground was barren, and there were cracks everywhere. It was completely different from the environment he had just seen. . He was very curious as to why there were two completely different environments in the same place. Speeding all the way to the top of the dead wood, Leng Xuan immediately felt that in this land, the air was filled with a strong odor. After watching for a while, he continued to move forward. However, as time passed, he found that the source power in his body was rapidly draining.

   "How could this be?" Leng Xuan frowned secretly. He controlled the power of the source very well. Even if he traveled for a long time, he would not consume too much power. But at this moment, he found that the loss of the power of the source was several times faster than the speed of his consumption. "Go back!" Leng Xuan didn't think much, and immediately made a decision. If it continues like this, sooner or later, he will exhaust the source power in his body.

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