According to Zhongming, this is the largest group of wolf river beasts, with a number of nearly a thousand, distributed in various areas of the forest. At this moment, a rather large wolf river beast slowly walked towards the three of Leng Xuan. As it approached, I saw a flash of light, and the other party had transformed into a young man. "What are you doing here?" As the other party asked, he locked his gaze on Leng Xuan. Among the three of them, Leng Xuan was the only one who was not an immortal beast, which could be sensed through aura.

Chongming stepped forward and said, "I'm here to find Gongliang, he is my friend." As soon as he said this, the young man's expression changed suddenly, "Old Patriarch?" Leng Xuan thought to himself, it seems that they have come to the right place. "I'm sorry, everyone, the old patriarch is not here." The other party said. Hearing this, Zhongming continued: "Then where is it?" The young man shook his head, "I don't know. After the old patriarch came back, he didn't stay for a long time and left, and he hasn't returned so far." Zhongming frowned and said: " Gone? Did it say anything before it left?" The young man recalled and said, "The old patriarch said that he was going to see one of his friends. Apart from this sentence, there is nothing else."

"Meet a friend?" Zhong Ming said, "It takes hundreds of years to see a friend? Do you know who the friend he was talking about?" The young man shook his head and said, "I don't know, the old patriarch didn't say anything." At this point, Zhongming fell into deep thought. After a while, he only heard him muttering to himself: "Could it be that it doesn't work? It shouldn't be." After speaking, he asked: "Before your old patriarch returned, did something major happen to you here?"

The young man replied, "Yes. Back then, there was a vicious beast that haunted nearby and slaughtered many of our clan members. That vicious beast was so powerful that no one in the clan was its opponent, so he had to pass the news to the old patriarch. , I hope it can come back to do justice for us. However, after the old patriarch came back, the fierce beast disappeared." Zhongming continued: "What does the fierce beast look like?"

"I don't know." The young man shook his head and said, "Everyone who has seen the fierce beast is dead, and no one knows what the beast looks like. However, the beast has a strong freezing ability." Hearing the last few words, Zhongming raised his head, "Freezing ability? Is it really it?" Leng Xuan asked, "Senior Zhongming, do you know who it is?" Zhongming nodded slowly and said, "Maybe." After asking some details, Leng Xuan and the three left the forest.

When he came to the edge of the forest, Zhong Ming said: "Many years ago, Gong Liang had an enemy, and the opponent was very powerful. In order to avoid contact with the opponent, Gong Liang moved out from here and became my neighbor. Gong Liang Liang told me that the reason why the other party refused to let it go is because of its special ability." Leng Xuan said, "Could it be that the situation of that alien beast is the same as that of Senior Mad Tiger?" Zhongming nodded and said, "It's almost the same. , However, there are not so many kinds of power in the body of the alien beast, there are only three kinds of powers. Those three kinds of powers are mutually exclusive, and although they are forcibly suppressed by the other party's strength, but every time, those three kinds of power will be in it. The body is in chaos. Fortunately, that alien beast is powerful and has extraordinary endurance. If it were another alien beast, I'm afraid it would have been tortured to death long ago."

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