Seeing this, Feng Lie asked, "What's the matter? You seem to know something." Leng Xuan nodded thoughtfully and said, "Yes, I may know the use of that formation." When he was in the plane world for the first time, the demon emperor, the Tongtian emperor and him joined forces to lay a trap, trying to kill the three kings of the gods. As a result, the three kings of God's Domain disappeared from their sight. So, if it was a teleportation formation, Leng Xuan thought it was very credible. What's more, if it weren't for this, why would the Three Kings of the Divine Realm use the inner alchemy of the Four Holy Beasts to set up a formation to protect the formation inside. It can be seen that that formation is very important to them.

  In the beginning, the Demon Emperor and the Tongtian Great Emperor not only set up the Heaven and Earth Destruction Formation, but also set up a layer of powerful enchantment. Even if they can't kill the three kings of God's Domain, they can definitely seriously injure them. However, the three kings of God's Domain disappeared from the enchantment, indicating that the teleportation array could ignore the existence of the enchantment. Thinking of this, some of the previous problems were immediately cleared up. Without waiting for Feng Lie to ask any more questions, he turned his head and asked Zhongming: "Senior Zhongming, the three kings of the Divine Realm chased you down, is it because you were discovered?"

Chongming nodded and said: "Yes, I wanted to find out at the time, but because I was too impatient, they found out. Fortunately, I was lucky and escaped in time. Since then, I was afraid that the three kings of the God Realm would find me, so I moved to another place to live." Leng Xuan nodded secretly, in this way, everything can be explained clearly. For a long time, the three kings of God's Domain must have been looking for Zhongming's whereabouts, but they have not found it. Later, the demon emperor did not know where to find out about this, so he also joined the team to search for Zhongming. With the character of the demon emperor, he must want to find out where the formation is located through heavy search, and then destroy it. Otherwise, as long as that formation exists, they will never be able to kill the three kings of the God Realm. "Since the three kings of God's Domain know that you have discovered that place, why didn't they transfer the formation to another place?" Leng Xuan asked strangely.

"It's not that easy. The more powerful and complex the formation, once it is deployed, it is difficult to remove. If it is moved forcibly, it will not only cause certain damage to the formation, but also the materials used in the formation will be seriously worn out. The materials used by the three kings of the Divine Realm must be extremely precious, and it is estimated that they are reluctant to waste it." Zhong Ming replied. "Since the formation is still there, can't we find a way to destroy it?" Feng Lie said.

"No." Zhongming shook his head and said, "The formation outside uses the inner core of the Four Holy Beasts as materials, and its power is not something you and I can destroy." Leng Xuan echoed: "That's right, the enemy of the three kings of the Divine Realm. It is Emperor Hunyuan and Emperor Tongtian. These two are not weak. Since they have to guard against them, the formation they set up must be something that Emperor Hunyuan and the others cannot destroy. Otherwise, they don't need to spend so much money. At the cost of setting up a formation to protect the formation inside. So, let's not think about how to destroy it now. The most important thing at the moment is how to solve the problem of Senior Mad Tiger." Feng Lie said: "I will show you It is for this matter that I came to see Zhongming."

   "Oh?" Leng Xuan asked, "Could it be that Senior Chongming has a solution?"

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